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Nayara's relationship with Steve will include: 

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Nayara's relationship with Steve will include: 

- Steve helping her with her history projects. 

- Steve telling her war stories because he knows she is dying to know them and is too shy to ask them. 

- Steve and Emma Frost being Nayara's parental figures. Both of them bicker a lot but they have a common goal, Nayara's safety. 

- Nayara pranking Tony after he made a bad joke about Steve. 

- Steve moving earth and sea to protect Nayara. 

- Nayara putting herself in very sticky situations because she wants to protect Steve at all cost. 

- Disney marathons with Steve because - according to her - he has missed too much about it. 

- Nayara being the only one able to play around with the Steve's shield. In which Steve then tells her that she will be the one using it one day in the near future. 

- Steve telling Nayara that she is the only one who will be suitable to become the next Captain America: 

"If I had to pick anybody who will be my successor it will be you, Nayara" Steve said to her. 

- Tony always teasing Steve saying that Nayara's last name isn't Lilly but Rogers. "She is just as stubborn as you, Rogers." Tony will always say. 

- Tony calling Nayara different nicknames, "Little America." or "Ms.America" she dislikes the latter one. 

- Carol being the only one that Steve trust to take care of Nayara. Nobody, not even can watch over the precious bean of sunlight that is Nayara Lilly. 

- Nayara and Steve singing a lot of 40s and 50s songs. 

- Steve finding Nayara quietly trying on the helmet, and scaring the hell out of her when he laughed. He found it amusing that it was bigger than her head. 

- Steve giving Peter a hard time because he is dating Nayara. 

- Nayara being the only one who almost made Steve swear because she scared him pretty badly. Most of the Avengers were witness of this, and teased Steve all the time. 

- Nayara timidly asking Steve to be the one walking her down the aisle at her wedding. Steve accepting before freaking out since he thought Peter had proposed to her. 

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