Kill her, that's an order.

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-Y/n POV

I trudged through the subway, crying intensely, holding a experimental weapon. Why. Why do I have to kill her?


"Y/n!" The commander officer yelled my name. "I-I'm here." I said calmly closing the door behind me. "Sit down." She told me. I did as she told me. "You have a very special mission." She said. I stayed quiet. "You have to test, or should I say, use, a very experimental weapon on a target." She continued. "Wh-who's my target, ma'am?" I said.

"...... Agent 8." She said looking of to the side. My eyes widen wide, and for the first time in my life, I talked back to my superior. "WHAT? WHY NOT AGENT 4?! THEIR ALWAYS AROUND!!" I yelled at her. "Agent 4... We tried to get Lissy to do it, she rejected, and Inktoia rejected too. So we targeted Agent 8 instead." She calmly stated despite I yelled at her. "But.... We've been friends since we were 9 years old.... I can't...." I stated. "I'm sorry Y/n... But you must, Kill her, that's a order."

-Flashback end-

I ran into the thang's location and waited for 2 minutes. Finally she came. "Oh, hi Y/n." She greeted. I just stared at her. "Y/n, what's wrong?" I started crying again. "Y/n?" Octo reached over to comfort me, and I smacked her hand away from me. 'Y-Y/n?" She said again. I got up and shoved her on the ground. "Y/n! Stop!" She pleaded as I towered over her. "....Sorry." I said as my eyes glowed red as I stabbed the weapon into her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!IT HURTS!!! STOP Y-Y/N!" She screamed and pleaded in pain. "PLEASE Y/N! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!" She started crying. She kicked me in the legs repeatedly, each kick getting weaker and weaker. "Ple-please Y/n.. Take... it.... out..... Please.......... Y/n................" She stopped moving as her ink was drained from her. Suddenly, the device was pulled out. "Eh? Who are you?" I said addressing my new target. "As far as you're concerned, her boyfriend." Said another male octoling, that were in a subway agent outfit too. "Ag-agent 9!"

Agent 8 rushed at me with a splattershot. "Idiot...." I said taking every hit. He kept shooting me. "When we you learn......." I said getting irritated. He kept shooting me. "THAT THAT WON'T WORK ON ME!" I shouted and rushed at agent 9 with my own weapons, swords. I cut his splattershot in half. He punched me and jumped back. I rushed back at him with my sword raised.

"Sucka." I sheathed my swords and rolled to pick up the device. Like on cue, Agent 8 was trying to punch me with tears in her eyes. I impaled her again and pinned her into the ground. She screamed as the machine quicker than last time, drained her ink rapidly. This scream was worst then the worst one. It sounded pained and betrayed. Just before the machine killed her, Agent 9 STRIKES AGAIN! he kicks the machine, sending all the collect ink back into Agent 8 rapidly fast, and breaks it. I growl in frustration.

"FINE! You both can die the old fashion way!" I scowled. Before anyone could react, Octo ran towards me, dropping her weapon. "Come to die I s-" I was interrupted by her hugging me tight. "Y/n! Please stop this! I'm your only best friend in the whole multiverse remember?!" She shouted. "!!" I was shocked as I had a flashback.

6 years ago

"Y/n!" Octo yelled as she ran towards my direction. "O-octo! Don't come th-this way!" I grunted in pain. "Shut up, kid!" The bullies said as they looked in Octo's direction. "Octo huh? We should beat her up too!" The second bully said. "Yeah!" the third bully said. They surrounded her as she fell back in fear. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see them beat her up. "Haha! She soiled herself!" They laughed at her as she peed herself in fear. Angrily, she lunged at one of the bullies only to result in the bully kicking her hard in the gut. She coughed out ink from the force of the kick. "Don't get your pee (ink?) on me!" The bully  said.

They encircled around her and started kicking her. Not the soft kicks they were hitting me with, but kicks with some force behind it. "BRAAAAAT!" The olderest bully said and kicked her extremely hard in the stomach, sending her across the gravel path. "Eww! She got her pee (ink?) on my damn shoe!" They swore and kicked her even harder again, causing her to cough up more ink.

I got up and trudged over to her. Ever times they kicked Octo I got angrier. I got so angry I tackled her. "LEAVE!" I shout punching the bully hard. "OCTO!" I punched her extra hard. "ALONE!!!" I Shouted one last time punching her extra hard in the face. She got up and ran off with her bruised face. "And don't bully us again, Skylar!" I yelled. (Told ya) "Y-Y/n.. Wh-why didn't yo-you run....." Octo stuttered in pain. I looked at Octo with tears in my eyes. I hugged her tight. 


Squid and Flesh Expansion: Octo's Loved One (Agent 8 x Male!Octoling!Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum