14 - Wanting

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(I cri word deleted half of this when I was writing it. About an hours worth of work gone ;-;)


Katherine glanced up from her spot on the couch as Jordan walked through the front door. He had apparently not noticed her yet, and was busy shucking off his shoes. She shook her head, a knowing smile on her face. Sometimes Jordan got wrapped up in his own head, and he would block everything else out.

"Jordan?" Katherine called out, watching Jordan blink and shake his head slightly, returning to the outside world. He glanced over at her and chuckled slightly, a small, sheepish smile on his face.

"Sorry Kathy." Jordan came to sit beside her, an arm falling across the back of the sofa. "You do much this morning?" He asked, watching as she shook her head.

"No, not really." Katherine sighed slightly. Ianite had let her take the last few days off, and while the first couple had been rather relaxing, she was getting bored. Jordan at least had a reason to get out of the house. "So, I heard you visited Tom today?" She wiggled her eyebrows at Jordan, before bursting into a fit of laughs. "Sorry, sorry. How'd it goes?" At that Jordan sighed, raking a hand through his dark hair.

"Well, it was going well, and then Tom kind of... well he asked me really nicely to leave. He was all 'oh you must be so busy I'm keeping you from doing your job'" Jordan said, shaking his head slightly. "I think he has a problem with who he is." Katherine frowned and gestured for Jordan to continue. "He told me he didn't know why he was chosen as Dianite's champion, cause in his words there were plenty of better people who wanted the job." He frowned slightly. "I was pretty quick to shut that down but... I don't know, it was worrying." Shrugging, Jordan let Katherine talk for a bit. His voice hurt, after both a meeting with a few generals and Ianite, as well as his talk with Tom.

"That's good." She responded, biting her lip a little. It was disheartening to hear that Tom was thinking those things, especially since she though so highly of him. "I've actually been meaning to talk to you about something. It's kind of important. For me, at least." At that Jordan perked up, head tilted to the side. "I've been thinking about uh... telling Tom my feelings for him?" Jordan blinked, sitting back as he took that information in.

"Well, that's certainly unexpected." He said, laughing awkwardly. "Do you know exactly when you're going to tell him? Were kind of on a limited schedule at this point." Katherine frowned. Jordan had a good point. Dianite would be arriving in what, three day's time? She only had two or three days to tell Tom how she felt. Katherine needed to tell him soon, or risk never being able to tell him at all.


Tom had his eyes closed as he lay on the bed, one hand behind his head, the other laying on his stomach. His back pain had begun to subside, but there was some pain still lingering. Sighing Tom could hear bells ringing in the distance. He wondered if Jordan was mad at him for what he had said earlier this morning. Tom bit his lip, a nervous feeling bubbling up in his stomach. He really hopped that Jordan wasn't mad at him. HE felt sick to his stomach imagining Jordan being angry at him.

Ah, Jordan. Probably one of the most adorable little nerds he had ever seen. Tom got butterflies around Jordan, and he got weak-kneed when he heard his laugh. Capsize too, but his heart fluttered whenever she gave him that soft, gentle smile. Tom realized that he was smiling stupidly, and tried to wipe the smile off of his face. It didn't really wok as planned. Groaning, Tom pressed his face into the pillow, as though it would block out his thoughts of Jordan and Capsize. To no one's surprise, it didn't work, and his mind supplied him with thoughts of picnics and lazy mornings together. Gods he was into the two of them. His stomach did flips imagining what it would be like to kiss either of them.

"Shut up." Tom groaned, trying to tell his brain to stop. "Stop it. You can't have them" Tom repeated that thought to himself, fear in his heart. Dianite would not approve of the relationship. Not one, but two people? Two Ianitee's? A man and a woman? Dianite would smite Jordan and Capsize and punish Tom for being foolish enough to fall for he two of them. He could imagine Dianite telling him how disappointed he was in him, how sad, how angry. Tom shivered at the thought. He didn't want Dianite anywhere near either Capsize or Jordan. That would likely only end in tears for either Tom or the two of them. They would either die or have to see him die. He didn't want them to go through that.

Tom sat up suddenly. He had a thought. A brilliant idea. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed he stood and made his way to the doorway, where he knocked a couple of times and waited. He felt a little silly, knocking on his door from the inside, but soon enough a guard opened the door.

"Can I have two pieces of paper and a pencil?" He asked, putting on his best innocent face. The guard nodded and went off to get what Tom had asked for, leaving Tom waiting in his room. Within a few minutes the guard returned with Tom's supplies. "Thank you." Tom nodded to the guard and closed the door, walking back over to the desk. Time to get to work.

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