16 - Revealed

69 3 23

(about 2x the normal word length lol. Hope y'all enjoy some nice syndisparklez fluff)


Tom kept his eyes on the floor as Ianite rubbed her temple, feeling a headache starting to build up. The mortal in front of her wasn't answering any questions, and he wasn't even looking at her. This must be her brothers influence. He was so open the last few times. So trusting, so sincere. It had been ages since she had met a mortal as open as him. Jordan as obviously open with her, but he maintained a slight distance between them to keep private. Ianite couldn't blame him, really. She knew how it felt to have everyone looking at her at all times, and she couldn't blame him for wanting to keep something's private, like, say, his feelings for Tom. This whole situation was a mess. Dianite was set to be here tomorrow, and Tom wasn't cooperating with her. It was a bit annoying at this point. Thomas had stubbornly avoided her gaze and had sat in silence for nearly two whole hours now.

Her mind drifted back to yesterday, and the call from Dianite. Dianite had requested a meeting with Katherine specifically while he was negotiating the deal. She sighed. Why Katherine, of all people? Ianite had gotten Katherine up to talk about this meeting that Dianite had requested. She wasn't about to send one of her favourite followers into a death trap. The two of them had agreed to allow for the meeting to happen, but both Ianite and Jordan would be inside the same room. Just in case. Ianite wasn't taking any chances if her brother was involved. She thought back to how Katherine was yesterday. Katherine was definitely happier, and it seemed as if she couldn't keep a smile off of her face. Ianite knew that she had been in Tom's room when she had sent Rupert to go and get her. Maybe Tom had caused that profound happiness? She certainly hoped so.

Tom swallowed as he heard Ianite sigh, shifting slightly in his chair. He didn't want to make her mad, but he was following Dianite's orders. Dianite would protect him, right? Yesterday he had decided to inform Dianite of his wellbeing, and said that he would likely be having one more meeting with Ianite before he arrived. Dianite had advised him to not say anything, and Tom was taking Dianite's orders literally. He was in Dianite's favour right now, and he didn't want to lose that. If things went his way, Dianite might even give him a break. He might be able to visit Caps-Katherine and Jordan, though it was unlikely with the tensions between the two groups. Tom felt his face heat up a little when he thought about Katherine. He liked the way her name rolled off of his tongue, and the way that she had whispered his name quietly. She sounded sincere, and Tom felt bad that he was going to be leaving in a few days. He wanted to stay, but if Dianite wanted him at his side, then he had no other choice.

Abruptly, Ianite stood, causing Tom to flinch. She walked passed him, not saying a word, and exited the room. The doors closed behind her, and Tom was left in Ianite's office, alone. Ianite watched the guards glance over at her, surprised expression on their faces. Luckily, Jordan was with them, leaning up against a wall nearby. He bowed his head to her, and she merely nodded at him.

"Jordan, a word, please?" Jordan just nodded and the two of them walked out of earshot of the guards.

"What do you need, my lady?" He asked once the two of them came to a stop. Ianite rubbed her forehead.

"Tom is being well... difficult. He won't say anything, or even look at me." Ianite replied, a frown on her face. "I was hoping that maybe you could assist me somewhat." Jordan nodded slowly, a frown on his face. It was easy for Ianite to see the worry in his eyes over Tom's silence.

"Do you think it has anything to do with Dianite?" Cocking his head to one side, Jordan bit his lip nervously. Jordan was upset, to say the least, upon hearing that. He hated hearing about Tom and Dianite in the same sentence, especially after his and Tom's chat a few days ago. Jordan had a sneaking suspicion that Dianite was the reason that Tom thought of himself as unworthy, as weak, as not good enough. What kind of god made their own champion feel like shit?

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