Seeking Help From The Ogre

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Once we got to a dark alley, I got off Koga's back and he reverted back to his smaller form. I rested my body against the wall and I rubbed my side. Koga was starting to get worried and he said to me.

"Izumi-sama, your injury isn't looking too good, you need to see a healer or a doctor."

"Not right now I can't, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"But, what about the pureblood Akayashi in the area? they're bound to notice the scent of your human blood?"

"Don't worry, with this mask and with my ears and twin tails showing, we've got nothing to worry about."

"All right, but, at least do something about the bleeding, someone is going to notice especially with those slayers on the loose."

"I know."

I rolled up my top and I held the end of my shirt with my mouth and I then used my blue flames on my wound to close it up. I hissed in pain and I bit onto my shirt as I felt the burning pain on my side. Koga was worried for a moment and I then moved my top down and I panted a little.


"Don't worry, I'm OK, come on, let's get going before someone sees us."

Koga hides in my hoodie and I stood upright to hide my pain and I left the dark alley. I avoided the busy streets and I stuck to the quieter ones to avoid any attention. As I walked through the streets, I caught on the scent of a human nearby, even though it smells a bit weak. I glanced over my shoulder and I saw a snow woman, a human, a spider demon and a familiar ogre.

'Wait a second...that Ogre is-'

Koga peeked out of my hoodie and he whispered to me.

"Do you know him?"

"I do, that's Odanna, the master of the Tenjiya Inn, he's been friends with the Takashi family for a while now, Otu-san brought me here to the hidden realm about two years ago to meet the man in person and we became fast friends."

I looked at the Ogre and I whispered to Koga.

"It looks like we've got no choice but to ask Odanna for help."

"All right."

Koga said to me before he hides back in my hoodie. I followed after the four of the demons and then I saw Odanna's airship. Koga and I managed to sneak on board the ship and then we hid in the storage area of the ship. I hissed in pain as I hid behind the barrels and then Koga said to me after getting out of my hoodie.

"Izumi-sama, your injuries are getting worse, are you sure you're going to be all right by the time we get to Tenjiya?"

"I will be fine, I just need to rest for a while, wake me up when we get there."

I said as I placed Koga on my shoulder and I then closed my eyes while Koga cuddled up to me.


I had slept for a while and I could feel myself burning up. Koga tugged on my sleeve and he said to me.

"Wake up Izumi-sama!"

I opened my eyes and I felt slightly weak and then I heard some people rummaging through the barrels and crates. It was the same people who were hunting me down. Koga growled and I frowned angrily and I whispered.

"Damn, how the hell did they find us?"

"They might have found traces of your blood back at the capital, come on, I found a way out of here."

Koga and I quietly climbed out of the window and once we got out of the storage area, Koga transformed into his bigger form and I got onto his back. I was starting to get weaker and weaker after Koga took off in the sky. Koga hid in the shadows with me still on his back and he then said to me.

"I can see that Ogre, what should we do?"

"...*Pant, pant* get his attention or something...and hurry..."

Koga knew immediately that I needed help and fast. I heard Koga calling Odanna but, my vision was starting to get blurry and the voices sounded like they were being muffled.


Odanna, Aoi and Ginji saw Koga and Izumi. Ginji looked at the unconscious Izumi and he felt her forehead and she was burning up really badly.

"She's burning up!"

"Who or what is she?"

Odanna moved the mask off Izumi's face and he recognises her face straight away. He looked at Akatsuki and he asked him.

"Is there any rooms available right now?"

"Well, there's one available right now but why would-"

"Get her into the guest room and treat her injuries, think you and Ginji can do that?"

Odanna asked Aoi and Ginji and they nodded their heads. Ginji carefully picks up Izumi like a bride and then he and Aoi took Izumi into one of the guest rooms. After treating her injuries, Koga had reverted back into his smaller form and he laid next to Izumi. Aoi looked at Izumi and she then spoke up.

"Who is this girl? Odanna-sama looked as if he knows her."

"That's because he does, this girl is Izumi Takashi, she's half Nekomanta and half human, she and her father Juro-sama came here two years ago but, I wasn't expecting her to come here like this, I wonder what happened."

Ginji placed his hand on Izumi's forehead again and he sighed in relief.

"That's good, her fever has gone down a little."

"And what about her injuries? they're not infected as they were before?"

"No, thanks to Aoi-san's help, she'll be fine."

Koga sighed in relief and he then looked at the sleeping Izumi.

"I can't believe this mess has happened, to think those damn slayers have returned only to kill Izumi-sama's family."

Ginji and Aoi were shocked when Koga said this. Ginji looked at Koga and he asked him.

"The demon slayers have returned?! what happened to Izumi's family?"

"Ichigo, Loki and Sakura were murdered by the demon slayers before Izumi got home from doing a gig in the apparent realm, Izumi-sama was happy when tonight went well but, all of the cam crashing down when those guys killed her Mother and older siblings."

Aoi and Ginji were shocked even more when Koga explained to them what happened.

"Did she try to fight them off when she escaped from them?"

"She did, but, her powers are too weak after spending too much time in the human world, that's why she's like this now."

Koga said before he curled up against Izumi. Odanna was listening to their conversation and he looked at the sleeping Izumi.

'So the Takashi family are being hunted once again huh? this is bad, this is really bad.'

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