I'll Get My Revenge

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Aoi and Ginji had to leave the shop for a while since Byakuya AKA the chief of the accounting office, had called them over and I was stuck back here in case we had any customers, not like it mattered since we haven't got any customers since we opened. I yawned a little and then Ginji and Aoi got back. I stood up from the stool and I said to them.

"Well? how did it go?"

"Not good."

I was surprised when Aoi said this. Ginji and Aoi then explained to me what Byakuya had said to them regarding Moonflower.

"What!!??? Byakuya is threatening to close Moonflower unless we make money at the month?!"

"I'm afraid so, we just opened this place and now we're gonna get closed down."

"*Hiss* *growls* damn that Byakuya if I were there..."

I said in an angry tone while my ears went back and the fur on my twin tails stood on end. Ginji shook his head before he spoke up.

"Threatening Byakuya or scratching his eyes out, won't do any good, he'll close down Moonflower either way."

I sighed annoyingly and then Aoi spoke up.

"He's right Izumi-chan, for now, we've got to what we can until the end of the month."

I sighed in defeat and then we were silent for a moment until Ginji spoke up.

"At any rate, let's do something about it by the end of the month!"

"Yeah, I'm not gonna give up just yet."

I sweat dropped at their enthusiasm and I thought to myself.

'Wow, the atmosphere changed drastically, well, what was I expecting?'

After Ginji left Aoi and were in the middle of making something for the menu and we were wondering how we were going raise money by the end of the month.

"What should we do...?"

"If it makes you feel any better, I've got some money left over from my street performances, I'm sure it's more than enough to make a head start until we get some customers."

"I appreciate the offer Izumi, but, you need that money to pay off your stay at Tenjin-ya, we'll figure something else out."

"All right but the offer is still on the table should you need it and speaking of trying to raise money, why not lay out some food samples at the inn? say like trying some nibbles or something like they do back in the human world? at least that way we might be able to get some people's attention for Moonflower."

"That sounds like an idea but you're forgetting about something or should I say some people who would be glad to see us go under."

I sweat dropped when Izumi said this and I just remembered about those three idiots.

"Oh yeah, right... *sighs* that whole food sampling idea would have been good in town but, the problem is, you're a human so that would mean that Akayashi would attack you and I'm still being hunted down by those slayers."

"Should the dust have settled by now? I mean they can't still be here in Odanna-sama's territory."

"I would have said yes if they weren't being so cautious or stubborn to give in and besides, there's nobody else aside from those working or living here at Tenjin-ya that I can trust, outside of here, there's no one who can trust not after what happened that night."

"Point taken."

Aoi said as she got back to work and then O-Ryo showed and she called out to us.

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