I Will Make Sure No One Hurts My Friends And Gets Away With It

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I was shocked and angry at Hayate who stood there with an evil smirk on his face. Koga got in front of me protectively and he hissed and growled at Hayate.

"Finally found, filthy half-breed."

Cold sweat ran down the side of my head and I thought to myself.

'No way! how the hell did they find me?!'

"Izumi! run!"

I turned around to run but, a white tiger appeared and growled at me. I frowned and I glared at Hayate and he said to me.

"You can't run away from us forever, Half-demon, why don't you just give up already?"

"Tch, no way in hell and how did you even know that I was here? I thought I hid well from you lot."

"I'll admit you did for a little while but, after that assassin appeared to take that human girl's life, you demonstrated your elder blood of the Nekomantas after he got away, we tracked him down and he told us about you, that's how we figured out you were here, being friends with that human and working alongside her."

"Is that so wrong? we're friends after all."

I said with a smirk and then Hayate then said to me.

"Friends? a half demon and a human? pfft! hahaha!!! you've gotta be kidding me! you know as well as every demon here in the hidden realm that no demons can become friends with humans, half breeds such as yourself including your dead siblings."

I growled angrily when he mentioned Loki and Ichigo. Koga looked at me and he said to me.

"Calm down, Izumi! he's trying to get a reaction out of you."

"I know but still..."

Hayate grinned and then he used a talisman on Koga which reverted him back to his smaller form. I was shocked and I shouted.


Suddenly, Hayate got in front of me and then he grabs my chin harshly and he grins evilly at me.

"Face it, Izumi, you don't belong in this realm nor in the apparent realm, half-demons like you deserve death."

I smirked at Hayate and I said to him.

"I admit you're right about that, however, I'm neither human nor demon, I'm just little miss-in-between..."

I opened my left hand and I shouted.


I used my blue flames to send Hayate flying out of Moonflower. He crashed landed onto the ground and I ran towards him and then his white tiger was about to pounce on but, Koga managed to break free from the talisman and he attacks the white tiger and he starts to fight it.

"Arigato Koga!"

I shouted before Hayate charges towards me.

"You'll pay for that!!"

I leapt into the air before he could attack me. I landed behind him and he was about to attack me again but I blocked his attack in time with my samurai sword that I managed to summon in time. Hayate was shocked that I was able to do this.

"What?! you weren't able to do that before!"

"I was weak back then but, thanks to Aoi's cooking I'm back to full strength and this time, I'm not running away!"

I yelled before I shoved Hayate away from me and I swung my sword left and right hoping to try and hit him. Hayate jumped away from me and then he used a fire attack spell. I smirked at this and I then caught his fire attack in time.

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi: A Nekomanta's Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن