[A/N: These are just some random flashbacks [Y/N] gets as she's regaining her past memories before her disappearance...
..and also for the meantime or/and any time I get writer's block or when I can't update a well planned major part yet.
I'll notify you readers too if any of these flashbacks are important but should be a good read for the meantime when I can't update crucial parts.
---This part is not that important. Just how and why you were put into the ninja group and academy. Also first impressions of your friends toward you.]
Your POV
At ninja school, I sat isolated in the back, on the very end. I didn't like people, nor socializing even though all of the seats were taken.
I hated those dark times. I didn't have any parents to feel their love or help me in any way I needed. I was broken and shattered, but it's whatever I guess.
I wore a hoodie over me during those times so people wouldn't see or pay attention to me.
My Leaf Headband would wrap around my right arm, the arm I mostly use to fight to remember why I was here in the first place.
(Throughout more of Kakashi's trust and loyalty, he decided it was best to wear it on my head like him.) [A/N: That comes in another flashback detailed but that's why she wore it over her head during the welcoming party]
Suddenly, two girls--one with pink hair, the other white--ran in with such commotion. Something about ranting on arriving there first.
The pink haired one then shoved a guy with yellow spiky hair to talk to a dark navy blue-haired kid, who obviously seemed to have no interest in any business.
Nex thing you know, the whole class of girls went up to her, fighting for a seat next to him.
"No, I was here first, I should sit next to Sasuke!"
"No, I should!"
Geez, what's the deal with him? Why does everyone like him?
I mean, there's one girl who didn't get off her seat, but she was looking at the yellow haired guy.
The yellow haired guy then jumps on the table and glared at Sasuke. A guy bumps him by accident, and they accidentally kissed. The both were spitting as the girls went mad.
I laughed in my head. Idiots.
The pink haired beated him up, and I roll my eyes. I thought this was ninja school. Not some romantic love story.
"I will assign groups of three," the instructor says. I looked around to quickly count. Everyone would have a group of three except one.
That extra is probably me. I just hope I could work alone for this project. I used to have a personal trainer, but he told me I should try normal school to "fit in" and "work together."
Whatever that means. Fuck that. I don't need none of that. I know I'm the smartest, skillful one here, and that's all I need. Just me, myself, and I, that's my group of three.
"Naruto and Sakura," he announced, and it was the yellow hair dude and the pink haired girl. "And Sasuke."
He went on putting people, which I didn't pay attention as long as I heard my name. "Since there is one left, [Y/N]..."
I looked at him. "Hai," I say in a low voice.
"You'll be in Naruto's group."
I felt a shock pierce through me as I sweat and grind my teeth. Are you shitting me right now?! Those losers will just get in my way!

The Blond Cyborg || Genos x Reader
Fanfiction"Whoa, hold up! You're saying I'm living with two guys now?!" "Technically, I'M the one living with two people," Saitama crosses his arms. "What if I walk out of here, and people see me staying with two guys? They might think I'm some slut or someth...