Note-Taking With Genos

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Genos' and Saitama's POV:

"Okay, Genos," Saitama said, opening the lid off the container of 6 dumplings. "There's something you have to know about [Y/N] first."

"What is it?" Genos grinned, pen in hand as he was excited to learn something new about his crush.

Yes, after another lesson with Dr. Kuseno, he learned what a 'crush' was.

Saitama turned half dispirited. "And promise you won't tell anyone," he looks at him.

Genos frowned confused. Is [Y/N] really that picky with what is in her food? He thought.

"Hai..." Genos answered.

"No, but like you can't tell anyone at all," Saitama added, "no matter the reason, no matter the...situation."

Genos wasn't sure what he meant. "Hai..." He replied again, and his master nodded.

He went into the cabinet to grab the jar that had her name on it that Saitama had shown him earlier.

"This is a very important ingredient," he starts.

Genos nodded, writing it down.

"And to her everyday life, got it?"


"And I mean every day."

Genos nodded, yet he was doubting it a little. I did not know [Y/N] was so addicted to sugar or whatever that cube is made of, he thought.

Saitama then takes two cubes. "It's not a drug," he explains, trying to read Genos' doubting look.

"So then, on solid food, you crush it like this," he demonstrates, grinding the cube into little particles.

"You can mix it, so it could blend in quicker, but with food that you can't mix, just let it sit for about ten seconds before it blends in by itself."

Genos nodded, taking it down.

He then peered at the dumplings  fascinated to see no trails of crumbs from the brown cube. It was as if Master didn't even put it at all.

"What is it anyways?" Genos curiously asked.

Saitama sighed as he stared at the counter. "Remember when...[Y/N]"

Genos flinched as he felt like he knew where this was going but nodded.

"She had a nightmare..." Saitama paused as he carefully thought. ....about her past, he continued in his head.

"Yes?" Genos asked, wanting him to continue.

"That was her other side...the powerful side of her," Saitama says instead. "Well, anyway, she's...half ghoul."

Genos' eyebrows cross seriously. He wasn't sure what a 'ghoul' was. "Master, what is a ghoul?"

Saitama sighed again. "It's a person--well...creature/species..." he says uncomfortably, more for [Y/N]'s sake and not his. "...that feed on humans..."

Genos' eyes suddenly widen in shock as his pen and notebook wanted to slip out of his grasp. H-how can s-she...possibly...

He then looked at the dumplings. Does he mean those cubes--

"So yes, these cubes are...human remains, but we aren't killing anyone," Saitama states.

"Then how did you get them?" Genos asks, forgetting about taking the notes.

"There are always people who either take their own lives or there's always some accident that was too late in saving," Saitama quickly replied as he felt weird about the conversation.

He was only used to this conversation with [Y/N] because it felt normal and usual already.

"I hope you're taking notes," Saitama said irritated. With this crucial info, he knew he had to strictly make sure Genos understood her.

"Y-yes," Genos goes back to taking them down:

Half Ghoul --> eats humans

" is it made...into these innocent cubes?" Genos asks.

"I think that should be saved for another time," Saitama told him. "You already have to deal with this much for now."

"It's odorless," Saitama continued, "but just make sure you don't eat it. That's when you can taste it.

"Normal food alone will get her sick, or she'll have to throw it up if she eats it.

"She's kinda different from other ghouls I guess: she'll taste and enjoy the food, but this is what makes it edible. Except for medicine. Luckily, that still works."

(A/N: Although one thing none of them--even [Y/N]--don't know: it's that she can consume acholic drinks without the need of the human taste.

You have drank before, but you were never FULLY drunk. The human taste keeps you sane and alert, therefore the drink's effectiveness would be pointless.

But if she'd just try, just try the drink on its own, she'll fully get drunk, and figure out that it isn't bad for her system...wooo power of alchohol!!)

Genos nods as he was still surprised that [Y/N] was half...what's the nicest way to say cannibal?

"So, this is what she needs every time she eats, did you get that? It's really really crucial to her health."

"Uh," Genos went back to taking notes as he forgot.

Saitama then grabs a pair of chopsticks and the dumplings, starting to walk out.

"[Y/N], time to eat," Saitama hummed, eyes closed. "You haven't ate since yesterday's"

He finally noticed she wasn't in the living room anymore, the blankets, pillow, and stuffed toy spread apart.

Her hero suit was left on the couch as if she quickly changed clothes, indicating she had left.

"[Y/N]...?" Saitama asked, yet he was half panicking inside.

He thought that maybe they took too long on her food that she went crazy to find someone else to feast on.

Genos went to check their room as Saitama looked at the untouched medicine.

"She didn't even take it yet..." He cursed.

"We need to find--"

"I know where to find her," Genos immediately thought when he exited their room.


"But I am afraid you cannot come with me," he explains.

"Why not? I want to see if she's okay," Saitama said in a slight angry tone.

Maybe he's trying to be alone with her, the thought upset him. He hadn't realized it made him angry.

Genos thought as he couldn't say anything about [Y/N]'s secret spot.

"Are you guys hiding something?" Saitama asked even though he knew it was obvious.

"No." Genos casually replied. "Do not worry, I will bring her back home safe."

"Fine," Saitama rolled his eyes. "I'll just be here I guess."

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