The Sea King

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Your POV:

"Ne, I'm back!" I sing when I entered through the door. "Are you guys home yetttt?"

"Hai," I heard Genos first as I walked through the little hallway.

I first noticed Sensei as he was sitting against a wall, reading his Manga as usual.

I turned to my right where Genos was doing the dishes in the kitchen again.

I paused as I never really had a chance to admire his side profile. His blond hair flowed above his eyes as he moved.

His casual eyes looked untroubled and calm. His lips grinned, his jawline sharp.

He really looks attractive, and whoever he loves is a lucky girl, yet all I do is sigh.

When he noticed me, his eyes widened. "[Y/N]!" He cried worried, shutting the water and quickly drying his hands.

So much for his unbothered state.

"Woah," Sensei looks at me with slightly widened eyes as well.

"What?" I ask confused.

Genos then rushed over to me, grabbing my wrist, and I felt my heart beat faster again.


"You are covered in blood! Are you hurt?!" He exclaimed.

"Huh?" I looked down at myself. I was covered in splatters and smudges of fresh sea blood.

"Wait," Sensei sweats as he sniffed the air. "It smells"

"[Y/N]..." he pauses, "...are you on your period?"

"What happened? It's all over you!" He let's out a snicker, trying to hide his laughter.

"NO!" I yell embarrassed, "I'm not on that right now, you baka!"

Genos looked confused as he probably didn't even have a clue what a 'period' was, and I couldn't help but to laugh in my head.

Such an innocent cyborg.

"I just ran into some sea monster. Sea Princess she was called I guess," I explained.

"She called me a bitch too, so..." I shrugged, smiling.

"Oh, I faced a sea monster as well," Sensei points at himself.

"[Y/N], please rest, you must be tired," Genos comforts, still not letting go of my wrist.

"Oh, hai, I'll just take a quick shower," I nod. "Thanks."

Afterward, I laid on the couch, eyes closed though not sleeping.

"Master, you have ranked up to rank 2 in Class C," Genos informs, "You are on the verge of entering Class B."

"Keep up the good work, Sensei," I give a lazy thumbs up, eyes still closed.

"Oh, [Y/N], you had moved from Class S, rank 5 to 4," Genos adds.

My eyes opened, and I turned toward to him with an excited look. "Huh? Really?!"

Genos had been drying the dishes with some warm energy from his palm as his free hand carried his cell phone.

He had a smile on his face. "Hai, I bet in no time, you will reach number one."

"Score!" I punch the air.

"Class B, huh?" Sensei asks, eyes off his Manga, looking at Genos, "that means I won't have anymore weekly hero quotas, right?"

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