Your POV:
The HQ doors slide automatically, and we all strode forward. Sensei was in the very front while Genos and I walked side by side, Bang on Genos' left. We stopped due to a man in front of us.
"Oh ho, Silver-Fang!" He greeted with a smile. He had a piece of hay between his teeth. He possessed black hair that was tied up. With a samurai suit, I noticed multiple katanas by his side.
I excitedly gasped as I knew who it was.
"It's been a while, Atomic Samurai," Bang greets back.
"I knew you'd come," he says then looks at us. "and this is the cyborg Genos and his girlfriend, P-Skillz, correct?"
"Huh?" Genos and I both cry in unison.
"Hehe, I'm just kidding," he chuckles. "Rumors then? Man, those fangirls."
He then looks at me. "So you're the person that never shows up when called, yet appears at the scene. Not only, you took my rank four spot, huh?" He raises a playful eyebrow.
"Ahaha, yeah..." I nervously laughed, trying to act cool as a first impression.
"Nice to finally meet you," he lends out a hand for me to shake. I smile politely and shake it.
"So I heard you use a katana as well?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow at the one hanging from my side.
"I see you have several as well?" I say back as we finished shaking hands.
"Oh, yes," he nods with a smirk, "we are much alike, huh?"
"Very," I blurted out, a nervous laugh coming afterward from me.
"And..." he pauses as he noticed Sensei, "who's this?"
"This is the Class B hero, Saitama," Silver-Fang explains, "his exceptional talent will one day place him atop Class S, I'm sure. So, we asked him to come."
"Hi, middle aged hero dude!" Sensei smiles, lending out a hand, "put 'er there."
Atomic Samurai rudely slaps Sensei's hand away, and I flinch sympathetically.
"No handshakes," Atomic Samurai smirks, "I acknowledge only the strong."
I gulp.
"Once you've climbed up to Class S, I'll greet you properly," he gives him a thumbs up as he started walking away.
"Besides, I'm not middle aged yet. I'm only thirty seven."
I smile, shaking my head.
"Hey, who brought a Class B Nobody along?" A squeaky feminine voice sudden appears.
We all turned to see a furious sassy green-haired girl in a black dress, the S Class, Rank 2 Tornado. Genos had told me about everyone in S Class since he seemed to know everyone.
"Don't you think it's beneath us?" She continued her ramble as Bang started walking away.
"And even if you were invited, a polite person would decline. Ugh! The nerve!" She scoffs.
What the heck? When did she show up all bitchy?
"I bet you're only here for some creepy reason like getting close to us Class S heroes," she assumed. "You disgust me. Leave!"
"And you, P-Skillz!" Her feisty eyes set on me, ready to throw more shade.
"Why are you even here?! You never show up when called, so why bother coming if you're going to fight whatever's coming anyway?"
"Because I'm a hero?" I shrug.
"And you seem to know the location every time, stealing the credit from us. Maybe you're the one causing all this trouble on purpose just so you can fight them earning all that credit!"
"Tch, like I have time to be doing that?" I remained composure as much as I didn't want to. "I have better things to do like finishing a Manga series."
"UGH!" She cried with frustration, both fists in front of her as she continued.
"How come just now you show up?! Not like we needed you or anything! It's as if you're trying to become some big mystery then show up just to look as if you're some hot shot! Wow! What a dramatic entrance! It's best if you just go back home!"
Sensei and I exchange a mixed expression of a confused and nervous sweat glance with me before pointing at her.
"Hey, what's with this sassy lost child?" He asked, directing toward Genos.
I couldn't help but to snicker, and Tornado shoots another glare at me.
Genos turns around. "That is Tornado, rank 2," he replies casually.
"THAT?! I'm not an object!" Tornado immediately cried.
Jeez, what the heck is wrong with her? Chill!
"She defeats monsters with her psychic powers. She is an ESPer," he added.
"Oh yeah?" Sensei scoffs.
"It appears everyone is here," Genos informs though, "we should join them."
"Oh, hai," I smile, and we both run.
"Hey! Stop ignoring me!" Tornado shouts once last time.
Jeez, that Class S hero, what a brat. How was everyone so functional to work with someone like her?
I sat in between Sensei and Genos at this high-tec table where all of the Class S Heroes were sitting patiently, looking total badass.
Well, at least two seats were empty as they're not on the scene.
I saw a couple of them and fangirled in my head, and the rest used to upset me from not showing up to face that meteor, but it's just gone now and Sensei's here to take whatever it is.
To Be Continued....

The Blond Cyborg || Genos x Reader
Fanfiction"Whoa, hold up! You're saying I'm living with two guys now?!" "Technically, I'M the one living with two people," Saitama crosses his arms. "What if I walk out of here, and people see me staying with two guys? They might think I'm some slut or someth...