Back to the City

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As of Before...

"I'll head on first," I interrupted, "You know how to get back. Plus, you still need to return that car you rented," I shrugged.

Your POV:

And just in half an hour, I passed a tree to be greeted by the busy city as it was. I pulled my hoodie over and tilted my cap down before walking toward the apartment.

Lowkey looked suspicious, but no one seemed to noticed as I looked more like a tourist.

Once I got to the apartment, I threw my bags on my bed, not unpacking yet. Removing my cap and running my fingers through my hair, I sighed tiredly as I plopped down on the edge of my bed.

As I then removed my hoodie, I accidentally spot Genos' side of the room.

"What is even going to happen now?" I quietly ask myself frustratingly. I then got up and changed, throwing on the cap again before heading toward my cafe.


"Welcome to Shiawase Cafe, Miss!" Shin greeted behind the counter as I approached him.

I softly put a hand on the counter and leaned forward. "Hey Shin..." I quietly greeted with a stoic face, lifting my cap up for him to see.

"[Y/N]?!" Shin threw his hands on his face, gasping excitedly as sparkles surrounded him.

"Shh," I put a finger to my lips and shooed away the sparkles. He blinks puzzled and disappointed as if he sensed something. "Ne, [Y/N], is something wrong...?" Shin's eyebrows furrow concerned.

Ignoring him, I just turn a small glance toward the customers who haven't noticed I was back. In fact, the cafe wasn't as busy today.

And with that, I smoothly slid over the counter, gesturing Shin to follow and grab the others. Everyone went to the lounge and sat at the table, me in the middle like some high ranked boss.

"So I've heard," Mimi chuckles with her hands up to her weird fangirling smile. "You and the S Class cyborg!"

"I know! You guys look so cute together!" Hiyori UwU-ed.

"Hai, did you guys fuck yet?" Rin snickers, leaning forward, and I only blush slightly before rolling my eyes.

"Rin, ew, shut up!" Hiyori cries.

"Uhm actually..." I leaned my elbow on the table and placed my chin in my palm, sighing boredly and awkwardly, "We broke up. I called it off..."

"OHHH? NANI? WHY?" Hiyori's eyes turned circular and white as her jaw dropped in shock.

"Oh, what happened?" Mimi blinked, looking as if about to get up from her chair. "He made you so happy--"

"Did he hurt you?" Shin baby-glares as he stood up. His legs spread a little as his knees were bent in protest, raising fists in shock. "He hurt-ed you didn't he?"

After a series of frowns, pissed and shocked looks, I had finished telling them how my 'vacation' went.

"Wow...I'm really sorry, [Y/N]," Hiyori frowns. "Man, if anything, I really thought Genos was pretty gentleman-like."

"Must be that Sakura girl. She reeled him in. Some friend she was!" Mimi rolls her eyes, letting out a disgusted scoff.

"Tch, he may be S-Class, but that doesn't mean he can't be a heart-breaker," Rin hmphs disappointingly.

"Ha, S Class, so what?" Shin crosses his arms and throws his head to the side with hate. "He may be S Class but he can S-Kiss my ass."

"What's going to happen to the [Y/N] x Genos fandom?" Mimi asks more with worry of my reputation.

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