Hi Everyone

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Hey guys. Sorry I've been gone for a month. I'll start explaining from where I left off. A little while after I wrote the last chapter of this, I had a breakdown. Like a terrible mental breakdown. I just started crying and hyperventilating and couldn't stop. I then tried to calm down but ended up with my mom. I told her everything...well not really everything. I didn't tell her I've been depressed or stuff like that but I'm honestly glad I didn't. I don't need to bother her with even more shit. But I did come out. I told her that I am bisexual. And thank you to everyone who wrote something in the comments. You guys were what pushed me towards telling her. I hope you all have a great life being who you are. So when I told my mom, we just talked. Talked about how it made me feel, how I found out, and what to do. She told me to not tell anybody else and I agreed because I know if I did tell everyone, I would die. No one would look at me the same. So we're just keeping it between us. The rest of that week was just us talking about life. I felt much, much better after that. I then just wanted to take a break from everything and just finally relax. I did start a new story and will soon be ending one so that's what made me be productive at the time. I am now doing a lot of traveling so I might have time to write more stories. I've already started writing more chapters. But for this one shot book, I honestly don't know what to write. I did make a list of requests but those are from last year. All of you, please write what kind of Max x reader oneshots you'll want in the future because I still love this book and camp camp and Max. So yeah. Thanks again. Byeeeee

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