Who, where an why?

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A more than a week later, one afternoon, we both was in the livingroom. He's looking out the window, up to the sky covered with rainclouds. I was calmly sitting on the sofa, brushing my cats furr.

Alp-Now tell me.

Ded-Hm?-He looks at me.

Alp-Why am I here?

Ded-You start this again...


He let a big sigh out, knowing that the situation will get worse.

Ded-They are searching for you.-I started to laugh right after he said it.

Alp-No they don't!-I said.

Ded-Yes they do. And I can prove it!-He turns on the television. I hear my name in the news.

Alp-No way. You weren't kidding!

Ded-They can't find you and me here. This is the worlds biggest mansion at Europes most hidden place surrounded with barriers. You are safe here!

Alp-You kill people, right?

Ded-Yes.-He said.



Alp-I am not safe here! I know you can kill me anytime you want!

Ded-You know I wouldn't!

Alp-You are a fricking killer! Of course you would!!!!!


Alp-I am pretty sure you raped me just to have someone to fuck!

Ded-I did not rape you!

Alp-Yes you did!


Alp-Then why the hell did you brought me here?

Ded-Cause your safety!

Alp-And why do you care about my safety?-I stand up but stops when he starts talking.

Ded-CAUSE I LOVE YOU!-He yelled. My heart skips a beat.

Alp-... N-No you don't...

Ded-Yes.......-He step closer to me.

Alp-We only met less than two weeks ago. That is impossible to fall in love in such a little time.

Ded-It is possible...

Alp-This is ridiculous!

Ded-No it's not.

Alp-It is!!!-I said.

He pulls out his gun from his pocket and hands it to me. I look down on the weapon then I look up straight to his eyes.

Ded-To prove it... You can shoot me, leave me here and set yourself free.

Alp-There is no way I'll kill you!-I give the gun back to him, grab my cat and say.-I am going to my room!-Then I left.

At night, he left the mansion. He went out to Paris to kill some people. He transformed to his demon form.

 He transformed to his demon form

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The next day something happend. A stranger enters in the mansion.

???-Oh so he isn't home. How great.-he said then started to walk towards the livingroom.

My cat jumps off of my bed and walks out.


???-KYAAAAH!!-He yelled and jump on the table.


???-Good kitty, nice kitty AND DIE!!!!-He said and started to throw stuffs on my kitty. I walk out of my room and notice the stranger. He has really light, blonde hair and bright golden eyes.

 He has really light, blonde hair and bright golden eyes

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Alp-Who the hell are you????? And why are you here!?


Alp-She is not a monster and yOuR mAnSiOn???

Yuki-Yes this is my mansion!

Alp-But I haven't seen you yet.

Yuki-Beauty sleep.

Alp-For more than one week?

Yuki-It's complicated. And why are YOU here?

Alp-Ded brought me here.

Yuki-I can send you hoe anytime I want.


Yuki-Wait here! DON'T GO ANYWHERE!-He said and ran to hi room. I started to laugh hysterically.

Alp-Yes I am pretty sure it's just a dream hehehehe.

Yuki-It's not-he said when he came back.-Where do you live?

Alp-In Canada.

Yuki-One sec!-he said and did something with a thingy that I have no idea what that is then made a portal.-Glad I met you. Now you can go.

Alp-This is unbelieveable mheheheehe. These doesen't exist!

Yuki-Everything you that that doesen't exist, well they does! Now go.

Alp-Thank you dear Yuki.-I said then step in the portal that puts me down near to my home in a park in Canada.

Later at night. Ded came home.

Ded-Who, where and why...

Yuki-Me, to her home and she asked.

Ded-Go to your room Yuki.

Yuki-No?-He said. Ded grab his gun and starts to shoot at Yuki.-YIKES!!! I AM STILL IMMORTAL!-he yelled and ran to his room.


Well guys that's it for today!
I hope you enjoyed to this shitty chapter.
But this is one of the funniest part of the whole Story.
Including that when Ded or Grim is mad at Yuki or when he fails smth.
I'll do a chapter soon again.
Love you guys~


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