They finally let me out to the City!

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The day I was waiting for! Finally! FINALLY! HE FINALLY LET ME GO OUT TO THE CITY! But not alone of course... I gotta take him or Yuki with me.

Alp-LET'S GO OUT LET'S GO OUT C'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!-I grab Deds arm and drags him out of his bed to the front door. He groans by tiredness and looks up at me while he's laying on the floor. By the way it was 4 in the morning.

Ded-Alpaca, no one is awake at this hour except for you. And I was asleep as well!

Alp-I'm sorry I'm just too excited I wanna go see Paris!!!-I jump up and down and accidentaly steps on his hand. He groans by pain then grabs my leg and pulls me down on the floor.-Ow!

Ded-Calm down Alpaca. We will go out after 8am. Got me? 

Alp-Yes...-I said and looked down sadly.

Ded-Now can we go back to sleep?

Alp-Now I am awake, and if I am awake, I won't be able to fall back asleep till night time.-I smile.

Ded-Then wake Yuki up. He will talk with you.

Alp-He needs his beauty sleep, plus you are already awake.

Ded-Right... What about your cat?


Ded-Why am I the only one you can wake up??-He asks.

Alp-Aaw c'monn. Don't be so grumpyyyyy~-I say and hug him while we are still on the floor.

Ded-I could sleep like that.-he says and hugs me back.

Alp-Aha in your dreams.-I stick my tongue at him.

Ded-And why?

Alp-Because we aren't some kind of disgusting love couple. We aren't even in love.-I said and started to blush.

Ded-If you don't love me, why are you blushing then?

Alp-I-I AM NOT BLUSHING, SHUT UP!-I cover my face then get up and runs to my room.

A few hours later, after 8am, Ded knocks on Alpacas door.

Ded-Hey Alpaca? Ready to go to the city?-he asks. Alpaca breaks down the door, she runs to the front door and sits on the floor like a puppy and puts her shoes on.

Alp-I AM READY!-I have a big smile on my face and My Kitty on my head.

Ded-Wear your coat and a scarf cause it's cold outside.-He says handing me my scarf and coat.

Alp-NEEEEEH! I never get siiiick.

Ded-Alright but you sh...

Alp-nO i Am GoOd WiThOuT iT!

Ded-If you say so... Ready to go?-He asks and helps me up from the floor.


We leave the house and walks straight to the city.

Ded-And what do you wanna see?

Alp-Hmmm... I heared that there is a cute cafe somewhere in the ciry that is really good. And we haven't eat breakfast yet. Let's go there.-I suggest.

Ded-Good idea.-he says then grabs my hand and we begin to walk to the cafe. I look down at our hands then up at him. He was focusing on the road we were walking on so he didn't noticed that I was staring at him. Slowly, we arrive there and sit down at a table inside the building. We both ordered a cup of tea and those cute little sandwiches.

Alp-I am starving oh my god.

Ded-They are almost done. Don't worry.


Ded-It was a good choice to come here, the tea is really good.

Alp-Indeed.-she said trying to talk on a British accent.

Ded-That is a terrible British accent.-he said.

Alp-Ne ne ne ne neeeee.-I said not payig attention cause I saw the waitress putting the sandwiches on our table.-Damn they look so delicious!

Ded-They do indeed.

We both finished our food then paid. He suggested to go to the Eiffel Tower. I agreed. There was a huge line but we waited and waited and waited. Two whole hours, but we get to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The view was beautiful. There wasn't a singe cloud on the sky. The sky was shining, the birds were singing and the people were nicely talking with each other. It was so calming.

Ded-Well?-he looks at me with a little smile on his face.

Alp-Everything is so nice. I have never seen a place like this. Thank you for taking me here.-I said and was slightly blushing.

Ded-I'm glad you like here Alpaca. I never thought you'd ever get used to living here with a man and a stupid snake. But seems like you are handling everything so well.


Ded-What about we go for a walk after we get to the bottom?


We soon got to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower and started to take a long long walk. It was just so nice walking and looking around. Yeah we weren't talking. We didn't need to. We were enjoying the nice weather and for me, it was so good to know that there is someone with my side...


Here ya go another chapterrrrrr~
I hope y'all enjoyed it.
Now I'm off cuz I'm starvinggggggg~
BaiBaii Love Y'allllllll 😤💕💕


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