Chapter 4

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2 Weeks Later:

Luna was laying in bed as she looked up at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep as the next morning they were going to take a plane to the Capsule Corporation. It's been 2 weeks since they saw that thing shoot into the air, carrying their little brother, if the tracker had anything to say about it. It's also been over a year since she last saw her brother, and all she felt was self-loathing and hate. So much hate that it just boiled up inside of her and made her enraged. She clenched her fists as she got out of bed and grabbed a jacket. She walked of the the house without anyone noticing and went for a walk. She walked down the sidewalk as she thought about everything that's happened 'How... how am I supposed to get my brother back?' she thought as she kept on walking, trying to find a way to get Lincoln back. She walked as she thought until she noticed where she was... a long way from home... in the woods... where the 'ship' used to be. She looked at the sky with rage as she clenched her fist and cried with anger. Anger at herself for what she had done... and for what she hadn't, "Lincoln," she said "Lincoln... Lincoln... Lincoln," she repeated as she had a greenish tint aura around her "Lincoln... Lincoln!" she spoke as her hair started to flash between a golden green and her brown hair. She then started screaming into the air "LINCOLN!" over and over again. Soon, lightning and thunder appeared out of nowhere as the energy around Luna started to grow and make the ground shake, making it start to crumble around her. Her hair became golden-green as she kept on screaming Lincolns' name. She grew in size and muscle as the planet started to shake


We find Goku and Vegeta training in their SSJSS forms. Goku was trying to punch Vegeta, when the planet started to shake "Whoa, what's going on? Why's the planet shaking?" asked Goku

"I don't know, but this power... is similar to his," replied Vegete

"Well, let's go check it out!" said Goku as they flew toward the power that shook the Earth

Back With Luna:

Luna roared into the sky as trees were torn up from ground as she grew in size. Soon, she stood 6'5" and had golden-green hair and a buff build. Her eyes where just plain white as she kept on screaming. She then sensed something as she turned around and saw two men standing in front of her, both with blue hair. She didn't know what came over her as she went to hit them, screaming "LINCOLN!". They moved out of the way as when she punched the ground, it caused the ground to shake and split open "Wow! She's powerful!" said one man

"Shut it Kakarot! She's still a danger!" said the other

"Oh come Vegeta," complained Goku

"Just shut it and knock her out already!" said Vegeta as Goku sighed and punched Luna in the stomach, sending her back a few feet

"LINCOLN!" she screamed as she grabbed Goku and smashed him into the ground. She then started to punch him as Vegeta shouted "GALLICK GUN!" and hit Luna in the back. She was then sent spiralling into the side of a mountain, knocking her out and turning her back to normal "Thanks Vegeta," said Goku as he stood back up

"Shut-up Kakarot, how could you let her get the jump on you!?" shouted Vegeta

"Oh, you're no fun," complained Goku

"Hmph, let's just go see if she's still alive," said Vegeta as they flew to where Luna was

"She looks fine to me," said Goku

"You think anyone that's beaten up looks fine," replied Vegeta as he put his fingers on her neck "she's still alive,"

"Good, let's take her with us!" said Goku

"What?" asked Vegeta

"Come on, she's a Saiyan! You can at least admit that much, so we have to take her with us!" said Goku

"I guess you're right... but you're carrying her," said Vegeta

"Fine," replied Goku as he picked up Luna and they left

With Lincoln:

Lincoln was fighting Hit using their own styles of fighting. Lincoln found that Hits' fighting style had many openings and decided to pursue something else with less openings. They were fighting on Universe 6s' version of Namek. Lincoln had his feet shoulder width apart and was on his toes. His body was facing Hit as he had his arms up in front of his head. Lincoln wore a longer great-coat that touched the ground and completely covered his feet. He had removed his elbow pads and knee pads and had replaced them with some leather wraps. Lincoln looked at Hit as he looked at him. They waited and waited... until they moved. Lincoln and Hit launched at each other as they threw punches, trying to his each others pain points. Lincoln then tried to kick Hit, only for it to be blocked and hit multiple times. Lincoln flinched as he pulled his leg back and went for another punch at Hits' ribcage. Hit didn't this this coming as Lincoln hit him and he flinched as well. Lincoln then went for another punch, only for Hit to use Time-Skip and move out of the way. When Hit exited out of Time-Skip, he was surprised to be kicked in the stomach and sent a few feet away "Cheater~" said Lincoln with a smile

"Hahahaha, you managed to find the weakness to Time-Skip... it seems I can get more serious," said Hit as he spread his legs and started shouting. Then he had purple-blue energy burst around him as he continued shouting. Hit then smirked as he got into a stance that had his arms up and body away from Lincoln. Lincoln just smiled as he got back into the stance he was in. They stared at each other again as Hit disappeared, Lincoln turned around with a punch, only to be punched in the chest "You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to beat me, Lincoln," said Hit as Lincoln grabbed his arm, pulled it back, and punched Hit in the face

"Like that?" asked Lincoln as Hit pulled his arm back and kneed him the the gut

"You could do better," said Hit as they continued to throw punches and kicks. Lincoln then used Time-Skip and threw several punches to Hits' chest and stomach, while he also kicked Hits' legs. Lincoln then moved around Hit and threw even more punches at him, hitting his shoulder blades and points on the spine. Lincoln was about to exit Time-Skip when he noticed that the room looked different from when he usually uses Time-Skip. It was more white and was greener. Lincoln then exited Time-Skip as Hit felt the punches hit him at the same time and kneeled on the ground "Did I do better?" asked Lincoln as Hit got off the ground with a smile

"Better than me... how did you manage to make the punches hit me at the same time?" asked Hit

"I dunno, but something was wrong with the room," said Lincoln

"How so?" asked Hit

"It was whiter and more green than normal," said Lincoln

"Hmm, I have a theory," said Hit

"Let's hear it,"

"You evolved Time-Skip to the point that it almost acts like stopping time, but it still stays the same," said Hit


"Imagine stopping time, but- no that's a bad way of explaining it... okay, you know how I use Time-Skip and hit something very fast to the point where it feels as if it was hit with a single big punch?" said Hit

"Yeah, you taught me, Molotov, last week," said Lincoln

"Alright, then imagine that except everything you do happens at the same time when you exit Time-Skip. For example, you use Time-Skip, you punch me three times, and you hit that rock over there three times. When you exit Time-Skip, they both happen at the same time and you still move ahead a Tenth of a second into the future, understand?" said Hit

"I think so," said Lincoln

"Hmph... shall we continue?" asked Hit

"Why the hell not?" said Lincoln as he got back into his stance

[sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. I have no excuse as I was doing other stories.]

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