Chapter 2

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Demi POV

I woke up to Millie crying, I could hear her from my bedroom. I quickly got up to go and get her as Wilmer clearly wasn't going to. He's still fast asleep. When I reached my baby's bedroom I scooped my crying two year old up in my arms and carried her back into mine and Wilmer's bed. I climbed back into bed and lay her on top of my body.

"Shhh baby girl. Calm down for mummy" I soothed.

She snuggled into my chest and placed her hand on my boob. I knew she wanted nursing. I pulled my top down so my boobs were on display and manoeuvred my baby so she was cradled in my arms. At first she just rested her head on my chest.

"It's ok baba, mummy's here" I cooed.

Slowly she took one of my nipples into her mouth and latched on. She began sucking gently and it didn't take her long to calm down. I gently played with her soft baby hair while she suckled on me.

A few minutes later I heard and saw Wilmer start to wake up. He rolled over to face me and smiled once he saw me feeding our little girl.

"Morning babe" I said to him

"Good morning princess, how long have you been up?" He replied in his sexy, husky morning voice

"Not long, she's only just woke up" I answered

"Hey baby girl" he said to Millie as he stroked her arm up and down, tickling her

"I thought we were gonna try and wean her from breastfeeding dem?" Wilmer said to me

"I know but look how cute she is. I don't see the harm in it. She will stop breastfeeding when she's ready" I simply replied

"Ok babe, it's your choice anyway."

I smiled and leant down to kiss him.

We lay there in bed for a while, just talking like your average couple. We don't get to do this often because of our careers. I looked down at Millie and she had fallen asleep with my nipple in her mouth, using it as a dummy.

I laughed slightly before gently unlatching her from my boob, I reached to my bedside table for her spare dummy and I placed it in her mouth while she slept.

"Hey baby, fancy a shower while this little ones asleep?" Wilmer asked with a slight smirk.

"But what if we wake Millie?"

"You're just gonna have to be quiet then aren't you" he said seductively

I got out of bed at the same time as Wilmer and placed Millie back in the middle of our bed, not wanting her to roll over and fall off. I tucked her in before following Wilmer into the bathroom.

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