Chapter 20

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Melody POV

"Come on sweetie lets go back inside" Demi said softly

Part of me didn't want to go with her but the other half of me was dying to go inside and listen to her.

Deep down I wanted to stay here forever.

I want her to be my mom.

I want Wilmer to be my dad.

I want Millie to be my sister.

But they don't want me.

I took her and as she lead me back into her home and through to the livingroom.

"Wait here sweetheart I'll be back in a minute."

I sat there on the sofa twiddling my thumbs while I waited for her. She came back soon and placed Millie on the rug in front of the sofa so she could play with her toys.

I looked down at the floor nervously and Demi sat beside me.

"Melody look at me"

"Please baby girl look at me"

"Don't call me baby girl. I'm not your baby" I said emotionless.

"You could be" she gently spoke.

"No I couldn't. You said yourself you can't be a mother figure."

"I didn't get time to finish. I didn't get time to explain what I meant"

"Ok I'm listening" I said seriously

"I said that I couldn't be a mother figure for you and I know that sounds really bad but I was going to say that I couldn't be a mother figure for you until you opened up and trusted me. If you don't trust me we can't form a proper relationship."

"I want to trust you but I can't" I admitted

"Let me in melody. I won't hurt you" she reassured

"You will, everyone lets me down at some point. I don't want to get attached to you and then you leave me"

I hadn't realised I'd been crying until Demi brought her hand up. At first I flinched but she shushed me and kept me calm. She wiped away my tears and moved her hand to rest on my knee.

"I'm not going to leave you sweetheart, I won't give up on you"

"I can't be the perfect daughter that you deserve Demi. I'll let you down"

"Nobody is perfect but if perfection existed you'd be the closest thing to it. You could never let me down melody. I want you to treat me as your mom"

"But you have Millie"

"And Millie would love a big sister"

"She should have someone better"

"Sweetie she loves you already and I know Wilmer already considers you as his daughter"

"I'm sorry"

"What for baby girl?"

"Pushing you away" I admitted

"You've been through a lot. You've got some pretty strong walls built up, it's understandable you're scared to trust me"

"I want to trust you, I really do"

"Then let's take it step by step, I'll take things slowly with you but I will be on top of your recovery." She said seriously

"Ok I'll try"

"That's my girl, now come on let's do something fun"

"Can we just watch a movie. My arms are sore and I'm a little tired" I said sadly.

All of a sudden Demi looked really guilty and had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby. I never meant to make you feel like you had to cut"

"Demi it wasn't your fault. Please don't feel bad."

"Let's move on ok" she suggested


"So what movie?"

"I don't know many. You pick"

"Well I think you'll like Monte Carlo. So let's watch that" she smiled happily

She put the movie on and sat back in the sofa. She put an arm around me and I rested my head on her shoulder. She checked that Millie was happily playing before she pressed play.


"Yeah sweetheart?"

"Where's Wilmer?"

She suddenly looked very sad.

"Oh I forgot to tell you sweetie. He had to leave early to go and film. He did go to say goodbye to you but you were asleep"

"Oh right" I said sadly.

I would really miss Wilmer, he made me feel safe. Now I had to put my full trust in Demi.

"Melody don't be worrying about Wilmer being away, I'm here and he will come visit as often as possible"


"Now let's watch this movie" she smiled

Slowly but surely I was beginning to trust her.


Short I know but oh well

I'm really struggling with ideas for this story :/

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