Chapter 4

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Demi POV

"Oh my gosh Demi, she's so cute"

"Aww she's adorable"

"She looks just like you Demi"

Comments like this are all that I can here as I carry my little toddler on my hip through the huge crowd of people. She turned her head so it was buried as far as possible into my chest as she violently shook in my arms. I was on my way to go see Wilmer on his set, and surprise him with Millie. Fans and paparazzi were always hanging around the set and it freaked Millie the fuck out.

"Shhhh, mummy's here, mummy's got you" I whispered into her ear. This wasn't enough to get her to stop crying though. When I finally made it through the crowd I took a nice deep breath and stood still for a minute to just calm myself down before I turned my attention back to Millie. I rummaged in my bag, whilst still managing to hold her up and fetched a dummy for her. I popped it in her mouth but she spat it out almost instantly and continued to cry. I sighed and carefully bent down with her to pick it up.

I bounced her on my hip as I walked down the corridor to find Wilmer. It didn't take me long to spot him. When he saw us a huge smile formed on his face and he put down his coffee before walking over to us. Millie still had her head tucked into me so hadn't seen him yet, meaning when she felt him grab her from behind to hold her she screamed and cried even more.

"Shhh baba, it's only daddy" I told her

She turned round and relaxed a little when she saw Wilmer. She allowed him to hold her and she snuggled into him as he rocked her back and forth in an attempt at calming her down.

"What's wrong with daddy's little princess hey?" He asked her

"L-loud" she stuttered through her tears.

"Oh it's all over now Millie. Calm down for dada" he cooed over her. She really was his pride and joy and I couldn't help but smile when I watched their interaction.

Her cries eventually softened into little hiccups and whimpers and Wilmer took her to show her off to his fellow colleagues.

I stood watching for a minute before someone grabbed my attention.

"Hey Demi" a friendly face said

"Oh hey Sarah" I smiled back to one of the female actresses

"What you doing here then?" She asked

"Just thought I'd surprise Wilmer by bringing Millie to see him" I replied

"Aww that's so sweet. How old is she now?" Sarah inquired

"She turned two like just last week so to me she still seams one, it's not sunk in yet that she's becoming a toddler" I smiled

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