Chapter 14

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Demi POV

I was woken up for the second time that night by Millie's cries. I rolled over to look at the time and it was 5am.

It's a bloody good job mummy loves you Millie I said to myself.

I glanced at Wilmer and he was fast asleep snoring his head of just like he was a few hours ago when she woke up for the first time. There's no chance he's getting up to go sort her out now.

I sleepily dragged myself out of bed and walked towards Millie's room.

When I open her door I can see her stood up in her crib crying for me. I instantly go over and pick her up.

"Shhhh what's the matter baby girl?"

"Calm down for mummy"

I bounce her on my hip for a while but she doesn't seem to be settling.

"Shhhh come on baby that's enough, mummy's here" I soothed

After a while I gave up on the idea of bouncing her on my hip so sat down on her vintage rocking chair with her in my arms. I really didn't have the energy to nurse her and she had my milk at 3am so I leant across and grabbed one of her bottles.

She allowed me to hold the bottle for her for about a minute before she got worked up again and pushed it away. I tried again to place it in her mouth but she was having none of it.

I'm finally beginning to understand what they mean by the phrase terrible twos.

I try to replace her bottle with her dummy but she spits that out straight away and continues to cry. If she doesn't stop soon she's going to wake melody and Wilmer up. Part of me hopes she does wake Wilmer up, the lazy bastard. Doesn't he realise how tired I'm going to be tomorrow.

I can feel myself starting to get frustrated with her. I know it's not her fault she's sick and she usually sleeps quite well durning the night but this is something else.

Once she begins wriggling around in my arms I place her down on the floor. Instead of getting up to walk, she crawls around and grabs a few of her toys. I sit there silently watching her as she sits on her bottom and cries.

Literally after two minutes she's fed up again and comes crawling back over to me. She puts her hands on my legs and pulls herself up and starts patting my knees to get me to pick her up.

After all this time her crying still hasn't subsided.

I stand up with her and place her down on the changing table to see if that's what's bothering her. I undress her and notice she's dry so that's not the problem. After re-dressing her in her pale pink sleeper I decide to head downstairs.

I place her down on the sofa but this only causes her to scream for me.

"Shhhhh baba mummy's just putting a movie on."

I quickly put Cinderella on and join her on the sofa. The second I'm sat down she climbs across my lap. I wipe away her tears as she snuggles herself into me.

"That's it baby girl, calm down for mummy"

Her attention is now on the tv but that doesn't stop her from putting her hand up my pyjama top to hold on to one of my boobs. It's like she does it just to make sure they are still there, I swear sometimes that's the only thing that will comfort her.

"Do you want milk sweetheart?" I asked her as she was letting out a few final whimpers

She simply shook her head at me.

"Are you just cuddling mummy?" I chuckled

Without turning her head away from the tv she nodded.

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