Chapter 24

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Melody POV.

I don't like Halloween

I don't want to be at a party.

There's gonna be way too many people there and I can guarantee I will freak out.

The creepy costumes people will be wearing won't help my anxiety either.

"MELODY" Demi shouts from upstairs.

I sigh and get get up to go see what she wants. But I'm nearly 100% sure she wants me to put on my costume.

I walk through to her and Wilmer's room and she's stood excitedly with my costume in her hand.

It's nothing scary or anything I told her if I had to wear one then I didn't want it too over the top. She agreed and allowed me to just wear a short, tu-tu like witches dress.

"Go put this on baby girl" she smiled.

My stomach still fluttered whenever she called me baby girl. I don't like I'll ever get used to eat.

"Do I have to?" I asked again, giving myself one last attempt of getting out of this party

"It's Halloween of course you do. Wilmer and I are dressing up"

"When's he coming home?" I asked, suddenly a lot happier knowing he will be back soon.

"In about an hour, just before the party starts now get that dress on misses before I have to dress you myself" she laughed

I reluctantly nodded and headed into my room.

Without looking in the mirror i undressed and pulled the dress over my head. I put on these black and purple stripy tights that Demi bought me and just put black flats on.

I must admit a had to laugh at myself when I looked in the mirror. This was the first Halloween I could take part in so I may as well make the most of it.

I made my way back downstairs and into the living room. I could see that Millie was getting agitated at being stuck in her playpen so I lifted her out along with a few of her toys and placed her on the rug in the centre of the room.

As soon as I sat down on the sofa she toddled over to me.

"You ok?" I asked her

"Melly" she giggled pointing at me

"Yes I'm Melly" I smiled down at her

She patted my knees so I lifted the little pumpkin and set her down on my lap.

She snuggled into me and gave me a cuddle.

I hope that one day she can see me as a good big sister.

I'm gonna protect her from everything.

Both of us turned our heads at the sound of the front door opening. Anxiety rose in my chest as I knew it couldn't possibly be Demi.

I instantly relaxed though when the image of Wilmer came into view.

Millie smiled and laughed

"Dada" she called out

He came straight over to us both and wrapped us both in his arms.

When he sat down on the sofa he pulled Millie onto one knee and me onto the other. We both leaned forward and rested our heads on his chest.

I can't believe how much I've opened up to him.

A man.

I trust him.

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