Chapter 17

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Demi POV

I must give it to Wilmer, the dolphins were rather entertaining. They kept Millie giggling and laughing away.

During the show I tried to talk to melody but she refused to take me on.

I knew something was wrong, she just wouldn't let me in.

When the show finished we decided to head back home as I wanted to get Millie settled because she still wasn't feeling a 100%

Millie was happily curled up on my knee and whimpered when I stood up to put her in the pushchair. To prevent her crying I kept her in my arms and carried her on my hip towards the car.

I could tell she was getting tired because she started sucking on her thumb.

I pulled it out her mouth and replaced it with a dummy.

By the time we got to the car she was nearly asleep in my arms. I gently unclasped her hand from my shirt and strapped her into the car seat. She made grabby hands for me and tried to grab my shirt again.

"Shhh no bubba, get some sleep for mommy"

"Momma" she whined with her dummy in her mouth.

Wilmer was putting the pushchair away and melody had already put her iPod in, blocking out the world.

"Mummy's here baby it's alright"

I handed her a stuffed animal and stroked her hair. She calmed down enough for me to shut the door and get in the front passenger seat.

Wilmer got in and we headed for home.

Melody POV

Once again I found myself sat in the back of the car listening to music.

This time though my main reason was to prevent Demi from trying to talk to me.

If I ignore her enough and push her away then it won't hurt as much when she eventually gets rid of me. If I get too attached to her I don't think I could handle the pain of loosing her.

Millie had fallen asleep in her car seat and was happily dreaming away sucking on her dummy. She has no idea how lucky she is to have parents like Demi and Wilmer, she's the happiest little girl I've ever seen. I can't actually remember a time that I was truly happy.

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't realise the car had stopped until Demi opened the door to get Millie out. She glanced at me but when our eyes met she looked away. Millie stirred in her arms a little when Demi lifted her out the car but she didn't wake up.

"Shhhh shhhhh baby" Demi soothed

Another ripple of jealousy went through me.

Part of me was dying to have a relationship like that with Demi.

When we entered the house I attempted to go straight to my room. Wilmer however had other ideas, I felt him grab my arm to stop me. He didn't roughly grab me but it was enough to make me flinch and panic a little.

"It's ok. I just want to talk, come with me" he said softly.

I watched as Demi lay Millie on the sofa and covered her with a blanket. Demi sat beside her and switched on the ID channel.

I gave Wilmer a nod and followed him outside into the garden.

We sat down beside the pool and I leant forward to touch the water with my fingertips. It was warmer than I expected it to be.

"So do you wanna tell me why you're giving Demi a hard time?" Wilmer asked, breaking the awkward silence that had formed.

His question only created another awkward silence.

Was it that obvious I was being cold towards Demi?

"You know she's only trying to help you" he added when I didn't reply.

"I know" I spoke quietly, looking down at my hands.

"Then why push her away?"

His tone wasn't angry or stern. His voice was gentle and made him sound like he actually cared.

"Lots of reasons" I finally replied

"Wanna tell me what they are?"

"I can't"

"You can tell me anything. I won't be angry I promise you. I understand that you're going through a lot and this is a huge change for you but by letting people in, things will get easier." He explained softly

"I'm too much for Demi. She has Millie to look after, Millie's her baby girl not me. I just feel so lost, I don't know where I fit in. When I was with my mom I at least had some sort of normality. She hated me but she was still my mom and having that felt normal. Now I can't even say I have a mom or dad and seeing you two with Millie constantly reminds me of what I've missed out on."

"I feel so alone" I added in a whisper

Wilmer wiped a few of my escaped tears away and looked down at me. His face was covered in sympathy.

"She really cares about you. And so do I" he pointed out

"I know she does. She cares too much. She makes me eat, she stops me from throwing up, she took my blades away. It's hard going from someone who wasn't at all bothered about me to someone who wants to help me."

"I understand that sweetheart but ignoring her and pushing her away isn't going to make her care any less. It's who she is as a person, she wants nothing more that to see you happy"

"That's why I have to go. I'm never going to be happy. She's wasting her time with me. You're wasting your time, I'm not good enough for your perfect little family. Don't let me ruin it"

I was crying properly now. I stood up and realised that my breathing had picked up.

I didn't want to be near Wilmer now, I didn't want to be near anyone.

I turned around to go into the house to find Demi stood there with tears in her eyes.

Did she hear all of that?

We made eye contact for a split second before I broke it and ran inside.

"Melody wait" she called after me

I got to my room and slammed the door shut. I looked for a lock but there wasn't one.

I climbed on my bed and did the only thing I could. I curled into a ball and cried. My body was shaking with my hysterical crying.

All I want more than anything is to be part of a loving family.

I want a mom who loves me.

I want a dad who loves me.

I could have that here but I'm pushing them away. I'm ruining my chance of happiness.

I don't deserve to be happy.

I was born with this life for a reason. I'm simply not worth it.

I must have cried myself to sleep because the next thing I know is I'm yawning and waking up.

Then I notice that I'm not alone, I can feel someone's arms tight around me. I look up to find a tear stained Demi looking down at me.

"Can I ask you something?" She said.

I nodded

"Do you really want to push me away? Do you honestly not want me to be there?"

She spoke as if she was afraid to hear my answer.

"The truth?"

"Please sweetheart"

"I want you there more than anything in the world. I just don't deserve you. You're Demi Lovato why on earth would you want me?" I said honestly

"What do you want more than anything in the world?" She asked, the question taking me by surprise a little.

I thought for a moment before replying.

"A mom who loves me"


Pleaseeee give me ideas and suggestions for this story.

She Became MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora