Chapter 15

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Demi POV.

"Melody, sweetheart" I began

I didn't know what to say to her at all. I just stared at her with my mouth open.

"Melody, I apologise for going through your bag but,,"I began

"Then why did you go through it?" She shouted

"I needed to make sure that you're safe"

"What do you mean safe?"

"I had to check for your blades" I told her

"WHAT? You took my blades?" She screamed at me. I was praying she wouldn't wake up Millie, I couldn't be dealing with my sick toddler right now.

"I'm sorry melody but I can't let you have them. It won't help your recovery at all"

"But Demi. I need them"

Her anger left her system and was replaced with fear and sadness.

I picked myself up off the floor and slowly made my way towards melody. I perched on her bed and looked her directly in the eye.

Of course she broke eye contact and moved her gaze down to her oh so interesting hands. Placing two fingers under her chin I lifted her head so her eyes reconnected with mine.

"You don't need these blades. Whenever you're triggered you come and find me or Wilmer ok."

"B-but Demi"

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I'm not letting you have them."

"Melody, I found this in your bag. I know I should have asked you if I could read it beforehand but I had to know what it was about." I told her.

She blankly stared at it without speaking a word.

"Darling have you read this letter?" I asked calmly, putting it on the bed in front of her.

Without responding she began to shake. Her eyes moved all over the room, refusing to focus on something.

"Melody, sweetie look at me. Concentrate on me and calm down it's ok"

Melody POV

"Melody, sweetie look at me. Concentrate on me and calm down it's ok"

I tried to focus on Demi's soothing voice but I couldn't.

She found the letter and I've no idea if that's a good or bad thing because I've never read the bloody thing.

If I tell her I haven't read it then she'll wonder why but if I tell her I have read it then she'll want to talk about what was said.

She can't know I can't read.

"Sweetheart breath deeply with me" she encouraged.

"I c-can't"

"Come here"

She took hold of my hand and brought it to her chest. She flattened my palm over her heart. I could feel the steady rhythm and did all I could to concentrate it. All I thought about in that moment was the constant beat of Demi's heart. She placed her hand on top of mine, pressing it to her skin.

"That's it angel. In and out nice and slowly"

After another five minutes of Demi's soothing words I was finally calm again. We stayed in silence for a while longer until Demi asked me again

"Melody please answer me, have you read this?"

She took my hand off her chest and held it tightly in hers.

She Became MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora