I Need a Break, Fast.

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My feet barely left each stair as I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen. I smiled shortly after, noticing that my parents were nowhere to be seen.

I grabbed some Honey Nut Cheerios and poured them into a bowl, along with some milk. I also threw my lunch together in the process, finally jumping into my favorite seat at the dinner table to eat my breakfast. Breakfast had a calm feeling today; but that soon turned into horror as I heard shuffling from the other room.

My parents' room.

"Good morning," My stepfather, Evan, stepped into the room, smirking with his little face. I sighed and continued eating my cereal, knowing that my morning was sadly ruined.

"No 'good morning' back? Not even a ‘hi’? A smile?" He mocked me

"Rude." He finishes, throwing open the fridge.

I don't even know what my mom sees in him. She's a nice, caring, and loving person while Evan is... a slob. A person who doesn't do anything but attempt to scratch his behind without anyone looking. It's kind of weird, actually. I just didn’t like him.

I quickly scarfed down my cereal and headed back upstairs. I grabbed my tablet, the new Chaos Pro, off of the charger and clicked it on. I checked to see if I had any updates from school. This was my personal tablet, as well as the one I use for school. I sighed, not seeing any from both sides.

As my mother claims, I'm not really that social either.

I pressed a button on the corner of the tablet, making the tablet flip into itself, making it so that I can fit it into my pocket.

Finally, I went into the bathroom to check over myself once again before heading back downstairs. When I got there, I was met with the presence of my mother and stepfather, both drinking cups of coffee.

"Good morning, Sleepyhead. Off to school?" My mother asked me, landing a kiss on my cheek.

"Yea, about to leave right now," I said, staring at my stepfather the entire time I talked to my mom. "Today seems like a perfect day to walk."

"That's nice. Have a good day at school." She said, looking to see what I was staring at. My gaze went off of Evan and onto the wall.

"You too Mom. Love you. Have a good day as well, Evan." I concluded with a smile. His face concreted into another smirk, taking a meaningful sip of his coffee. With a smile, I turned and walked out of the door.

"Goodbye, Mr. Mark." The door alluded to my departure, automatically locking the door behind me as I walked out. I observed everything in the neighborhood; the trees, the people, even the own sun looked beautiful as I continued to make my way towards school.

I came to the center of town, glancing at the shops and ads that were seen on the side of bus stations and projected above the buildings. We had a little pawn/thrift shop, a supermarket, a gas station and a park right in the center of town. I passed it by everyday before school, either by bus or my own two feet.

I looked at the hologram billboard, which changed ads every other Tuesday. I watched as many passed by, such as the new Apple MacBook Skilled and the Dr. Dre Beats that came with them. Apple went down with their standards, which made me switch to Chaos brand of electronics. Android teamed up with Apple to create Chaos, but their business with each other hasn't gone well. I don't know what's going to happen with their products. Will it stop?

Then my favorite advertisement came on.

The advertisement for SOuND.

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