Free Falling

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My body launched forward a bit, trying to control my breathing. I was gasping for air, like I was previously drowning. My eyes were trying to focus so I could see around the room.

"Wha...." I breathed, knowing that was back in the room with the multiple colored chairs.

"The procedure is over. Thank you for using our services. You now have a SOuND. Have a good day." The monotone voice concluded. I got up and looked for the door.

When I got out of the room, the receptionist was still at her desk, glancing from her computer screen to her phone that was on her lap.

"Wow," She said. "Yours looks... different." She continued to stare at me with amazement.

"What are you..." I mumbled, my eyes widening. I slowly reached to touch my ears.

They were both covered with SOuND technology.

"Um, why do mine look different?" I asked her.

"Maybe the machine got you mixed up with our latest version." She explained as I leaned on her countertop.

"Huh, cool." I said, looking at my shoes.

"You better head on home. Here are the instructions you need to put music on your SOuND. Have a nice day." The receptionist handed me a document as I turned and made my way to the door.

"Thank you." I said.

"Wait, um, I can drive you home if you want, if your ride or something can't come." She told me.

"No, it's OK. I'm an inventor, and I just created some rocket boots that I want to test out. Thanks for the offer though." I said. I pulled up my wristband to my face.

"Come. Now." I commanded. I sat in front of the door, waiting for my invention to respond.

"Ah, a young tinkerer. Don't see many of those these days. You must be really smart to know how to voice control everything or even build rocket boots." She said.

"It just comes naturally," I explained, grinning at her. "It should be here in a couple of minutes."

"Y'know, it seems like you and my daughter would make great friends." She replied, handing me a picture of her. My eyes lit up when I saw her.

"You're Tris's mom?" I asked her. She nodded in response.

"You already know her? We just moved here a couple days ago, I'm surprised she already made a friend."

"Yea, we were talking at school. She seems like a great girl." Her mom stared at me with suspicion written on her face.

"As a friend, as a friend. I'm not the lovey-dovey kind of person right now. Maybe later." I explained, trying to show her that I wasn't one of 'those' guys.

Suddenly, a light burst through the door and latched itself onto my foot, making me fall onto the ceramic floor.

"Oww... oh look, it's here." I muttered as another came and stuck itself onto my other foot.

"Are you OK?" Tris's mom went around her desk and helped me up.

"Yes, I'm fine. It was nice meeting you, Tris's mom."

"Nice meeting you too. Goodbye now." She started, shoving me out of the door. I sighed, wondering if that was coincidence or just pure luck.

"Alright, rocket boots. I've seen Iron Man once or twice before, so I kinda know how to do this. Don't fail me now!" I urged, looking up into the sky. I took in a deep breath and started to run.

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