Zombie Rampage

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My eyes widened as I took a couple steps back.

"You... have got to be kidding me." I groaned. I turned to my mother, who was looking down, frightened.

"Mom... um, OK, get to the bunker in the basement. Get some food for yourself, too. Be careful, and be safe. I love you." I said, giving her one last hug.

"What are going to do?" She asked me.

"I'm going to fix this." I declared, running upstairs. Sitting in my Gravity chair, I sighed and tried to think.

"Tris, how come mine isn't infected?" I questioned her.

"Well, when you asked me to plug into your SOuND, I found a virus. So I kicked it out. The end." Tris replied.

"I bet everyone who bought a SOuND has been infected with that nasty virus. If SOuND was invented in 2041, then-"

"Then mostly kids and some adults should have a SOuND. We have to figure out how to erase the virus from everyone who bought a SOuND." Tris said, finishing my sentence. I stood up and went to my closet.

"Tris, initiate protocol 37189. Is my mom in the bunker yet?"

"Yes, she just closed the door. Processing it now."

My closet began to spin, but instead of suggesting clothes, it turned into a pod. The pod door opened, and I stepped inside. The pod door closed and it shot me downwards, into a dark room.

"Lights, on." The lights flickered on slowly as I walked out of the pod. I stepped onto the concrete floor and walked towards the back of the room. The floor was littered with paper and tools.

"Is this your secret room for building stuff?" Tris asked me.

"Yup. This room is for big projects," I replied, stopping in front of the wall. I pressed a panel on the wall, which activated a touch screen hologram. I punched in a couple of numbers, opening another panel on the wall. A chip laid inside.

"The Hyperchip. The only thing that will allow me enough power for the Roots to get to Earth and back." I explained, sliding it into my Roots. They both buzzed with power, which made me smile.

"Uh, you need to hurry. The house won't hold much longer, which means the zombies will get inside." Tris warned me. I nodded and ran over to the desk that was down here. I slide everything off it and picked up a pair of glasses. I clicked them on, which made me aware of my surroundings and how many things I could destroy. .

I looked to my left and picked up two pistols from its holding places.

"You have a pistol down here?"

"They're electronic. I need you to sync with them." Tris did what she was told.

"You kicked the virus out of the SOuND, right? So if I shoot bits of you into other people that have been infected, then the virus would be gone from their bodies, therefore returning them back to normal. Think you can do it?" I asked Tris.

"Mark, you know I can do anything." She replied with confidence. I nodded once again and I stood up.

"The guns needs an organic source as well, so we're going back down to Earth to get it." I said, running back to the pod.

Time to fight a war.


I landed on metal rubble, quickly looking around for a natural life force. The glasses spotted a tree nearby, so I ran to it and broke a twig off, feeding it to the guns.

After a couple of trees later, the guns were full. I smirked and took off again, back to the ship. Back to my almost destroyed home.


I passed the edge of the Alversia ship, receiving an aerial view of the epidemic. It was becoming daybreak, and SOuND-induced zombies were everywhere. Breaking into homes. Terrorizing helpless civilians. It was horrible. My fist tightened with anger. So much destruction done to the future. Suddenly, it became dark. I turned around to see an air balloon passing above me.

"Attention! Attention! It is I, the creator of SOuND, Mr. SOuND himself.” I rolled my eyes at his creative name.

“As you can see, the ones infected have bought my products. They have now become zombies. My personal slaves. They will never be cured. It is now judgment day. You shall all bow down to me!" An iconic evil laugh was heard, then the speakers being cut off. I'm going to save him for last.

"Ready, Tris?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go kick some." I nodded in agreement and blasted downwards, shooting every zombie in sight. I grinned with delight as I shoot a zombie in the head.

"Headshot!" I cried, shooting another. The zombies in the area started to notice that I was killing them, so they tried to ambush me. Cracked another one at one in the air, and another in the window, they began to come on strong. I took off again, shooting at some that were on the ground.

Suddenly, one jumped on my back and screeched at me. I gasped and shot him off. More and more began to jump, one by one, on me. I kicked most of them off, but they were too strong. I was pulled to the ground. I growled and pulled out the other pistol, doing double the damage. I twisted and shot another one that was trying to sneak up behind me. I popped another one as one latched onto my back. I screamed and lifted one leg up, sending us both into a building wall. The zombie was struck and let go. I shot him as another one tried jumped on me from above. I dodged out of the way and shot him too. I sighed and took off again, staying in the air for a bit.

"Man, this is kind of tough. I thought this would be like in the movies..." I said, wiping sweat off of my forehead.

"Incoming target." Tris forewarned me as I spotted it and shot him in the knee. He fell to the ground with a thud, withering in pain. I spotted a person in the street somewhat far away. He, or she, looked strangely familiar. I flew over towards it, kneeling down in front of it. I gasped, grabbing onto her face.

It was the human Tris!

"Tris, come on, you've got to be alive. Please don't tell me..." My head fell low as tears started to roll down my face.

"This is odd..." Tris said.

"It's called death, Tris, it happens to everyone." I whispered, wiping my tears away.

"No, she's... metallic. Like 'I can sync with her' metallic." She explained. I heard multiple screeches behind me, which made me turn around. A zombie was in the air, about to land on me. I flinched, knowing that it was the end.


I turned around to see Tris leaning up with a pistol in her hand. She groaned, standing up. I smiled and hugged Tris tightly.

"I... I thought you were dead..." I said, standing up as well.

"No, I'm..." I looked at her meaningfully. She grinned.

"I'm... fine. I'm fine." She told me. I nodded and looked around. Even if there were less zombies, it still looked erie.

"Well, will you help me fight these guys? You've already got a pistol." I asked her. She nodded, both of us shaking on it.

"Of course. But I'm going to need one of those." Tris said, pointing to one of my Roots. I sighed and took one of them off and handed it to her. She smiled again.

"Let's go."

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