Asshole [Reed900]

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When Gavin came back from the hospital after the revolution, he nearly had to get into medical treatment again as soon as he entered the police department. After Connor beat him up in the evidence room, androids definitely were in his bad books for good. Getting one assigned as a partner was the least thing he wanted, especially after those things got equal rights.

"Are you fucking serious?", he yelled at Captain Fowler, who had called him into his office for the news.
"Yes, I am, and yelling at me won't help! I'm not the one you have to blame, and if you go on with this attitude, I will not hesitate to dismiss you. Your colleagues would definitely celebrate me for that, so if you're attached to your career, you better deal with it! I doubt that any other department would hire you with that disciplinary record!"
"Fucking hell, one of these bastards just put me into a hospital, and now I have to work with one of those shitheads?"
Captain Fowler rose from his chair and glared at Reed. He pointed at the RK900 that stood a little bit off the scene and watched everything quietly. "You will take him with you and you will learn to deal with it, because since the revolution you can get a lot of lawsuits for the behavior that you showed against androids before. I'd think twice in the future if I were you! This conversation is over!"
Gavin glared back at the Captain for a while, then he stroke on the desk angrily with his fist and stamped out of the room. He showed his middle finger to Connor and Lieutenant Anderson, who both watched him with furrowed brows from their desks. He let himself fall down on his own chair as soon as he reached it and kicked the table leg aggressively. This was his first day back at work, and immediately life shat on him.
The android that was assigned as his partner also left the office of the Captain and came towards his direction. He looked nearly exactly like Connor, but he had blue eyes instead of brown ones, that gave him a cold and emotionless look, and was a little bit taller. But except for that, the only thing that differed him from the RK800 was his outfit.
"Good morning Detective Reed, I-" The android stopped when Gavin threw a ball of paper against his face. And their voices were different, Gavin noticed. The RK900 seemed a little bit off his stride for a moment, then he frowned. "I think you should pick that up", he stated.
"Fuck you", Gavin answered and turned on his computer. He really had to control himself. If this job wouldn't be so important to him, that android would have been nothing more than little pieces of plastic on the floor by know.
"Detective Reed, I think have to report your behavior to Captain Fowler, if you don't clean up that paper. Contamination of the workplace is against the rules." Gavin clenched his fingers into fists and tried to calm himself down. Then he stood up, went around the table and picked up the paper in the most aggressive way possible. He glared at the android with hatred and threw the ball into his bin. "Thank you, Detective. Your colleagues will appreciate it."
"You're so fucking dead", Gavin snorted angrily. The android ignored his words and just continued talking from where he was distracted by the paper before.
"Anyway, I'm looking forward to work with an officer with such a high rate of success. My name is Conan, by the way." Gavin ignored the android and just proceeded on working. He innerly prepared for the worst time of his life. He might as well just kill himself and go to hell without any detours.

One month went by, and slowly Gavin got used to Conan's presence. He still hated the android, but his constant anger against him slowly changed into simple annoyance. This day, they were on their way to a family that was reported to the police because of child abuse. They had to question the parents and eventually take the kid with them. "Detective, I have to positively remark that your hatred towards me seems to have decreased. I think we are making progress", Conan said as they stood in front of a traffic light. Gavin ignored him, even though he could feel his anger rise again. "May you allow me the question why you don't like me in the first place?" Again, Gavin said nothing and just stepped on the gas when the lights turned green. "Detective, I don't think our relationship can improve if you constantly ignore what I have to say." That was when Conan had stepped over the line. Gavin stopped the car at the side of the road and stepped out of it. He approached the passenger side of the vehicle, opened the door and grabbed Conan by his jacket. He pulled him out of the car and pushed him over the pavement. Then he threateningly positioned himself directly in front of the android and glared at him.
"There is no relationship, and there never will be. You are a fucking machine, you don't feel anything. The only reason you're still here is because of this fucking stupid country that believed those fucking broken androids and made these fucking new laws. I'm sick of you and your kind." He took a swing, but before his fist could reach the face of Conan, the android had blocked his hand and within the blink of an eye held Gavin against the wall so that he couldn't move anymore.
"I think I have to make some things clear, Detective. First of all, I'm the most advanced android on this planet, so you have to try harder if you want to harm me. Secondly, just because you don't believe something, doesn't mean you're automatically right. You would really help yourself, if you'd start to open up your mind a little bit." Conan let go of him and straightened his jacket. "We should continue our way now, there's a case waiting for us." Then he went back inside the car and left behind a foaming Detective. Gavin would love to just shoot the android in the head, but he wasn't that stupid. So he followed Conan's example and they continued their way without another word.

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