Chapter 1

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I finished last period, and school was finally over for the summer. I walked over to my locker to grab all my books and saw Ponyboy standing there ready to walk me home like he does everyday. Ponyboy sure is cute, he has light brown hair and green-gray eyes, but we are just friends and he also is about 4 years younger than me so that would kinda be weird too. "Hey" he greeted giving me a small hug. "Hey" I replied. "Ready to go?" "Yeah" I said while grabbing my last book out of my locker.

We walked out the front doors of the school and boy was it cold outside for the summer time! As we walked outside this boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes, probaly around my age, came running up to us. As this boy got closer the more I could see how hot he was. He had a jacket on, dark jeans but no shirt. He had the most perfect abs I have ever seen! "Hey Dal what's up?" Pony said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hi Pony I gotta run the fuzz are after me but am I going to see you tonight at Steve's party?" he asked almost out of breath "Yeah i guess so" "Well I gotta go" He then looked at me and smirked. "Hey" he said flurtasiously. "H-Hi" I said back with a small smile. I don't know why but this guy made me so nervous, I don't know if it was his dreamy eyes or that super cute smile but I know I was falling for him already. And with that he was off again.

"Pony who was that?" I asked "Dallas Winston" "Who's that and how do you know him?" I asked looking confused. "You don't know who Dallas Winston is and he is a part of my gang" he said sounding shocked. Why would I know Dallas Winston? "Why would you think I know who he is?" I said become defensive. "Because he is the tuffest greaser, has a criminal record a mile long and everybody in tulsa knows him." he said casually. "Oh" is all I said.

We started to walk home in silence when Pony broke it "So Erika do you want to go to Steve's party tonight?" "Oh Pony I don't know" I said kicking a rock."C'mon Erika it will be fun plus its the first night of summer break" he complained "Alright, Alright I'll go" I gave in. "Okay then I will pick you up at your house around 5" "Why so early I thought parties start later?" I questioned. I know I'm 18 years old and I should be a hardcore party girl, but I 'm not. I usually stay home and study when parties are going on. "They do I just thought you could come back to my house for dinner" he said "That sounds nice I haven't seen Soda and Darry in a while" I said happily. He had a huge grin on his face the rest of the way home. We finally got to my house and he said "See you at 5" and waved goodbye. I just nodded and waved. I looked at the clock and it was almost 3. "Oh gosh i better start getting ready!"


Dallas James Winston

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Age: 19

Height: 6'2

How I Fell In Love With The One And Only Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now