Chapter 12

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I walked into the warm Curtis' house and found Kat laying on the couch reading one of Pony's books. "Hi" I said a little louder than I meant. She looked a little startled, I guess she didn't hear me walk in. "Hi" she replied closing her book. "You ready to go? Darry left the car outside for us" I asked waiting by the door. "Yeah sure, haven't been to a movie in a long time." She said walking out the door. I sat in the driver's seat of the car and turned on the ignition. Kat plopped down next to me and we were off to the drive in.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kat said breaking the silence. "Of course" I replied. "What's Johnny like?" she asked biting her lip. "He's pretty shy and quiet. Why do you like him?" I asked nudging her playfully. She didn't give me an answer but, she gave me a small, cute smile. "I take that as a yes" I laughed. We arrived at the Nightly Double in only a couple minutes. We got out of the car and snuck underneath the metal gate near the seating area. The gang showed me this entrance so we wouldn't have to pay. We stopped by the concession stand to get our popcorns and drinks. We made our way over to our front row seats and began talking about the gang. "So, you really like Dally don't you?" Kat questioned taking a sip of her drink. "Do you love him?" she asked. "I don't know" I replied "How about Johnny do you like him?" "Kind of" she whispered wrapping her leather jacket around her. "Aww, you guys would make a cute couple" I said giving here a hug. Kat chuckled and continued to drink her Pepsi.

The movie began about 15 minutes later and it became dark very suddenly. About half way through the movie two guys sat on either side of me and Kat. I think they were both from the middle class, too preppy to be greasers. The boy that sat beside Kat had shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. Not my type of guy. The one that sat beside me was cuter. He had short black hair and dark eyes. Kat and I looked at eachother in disbelief. Before for I could tell them to get lost the black haired boy whispered on my ear. "Hey babe, my name's Troy" while scooting closer to me. "Go away" I stated loudly. "I have boyfriend". "Aww Dean, did you hear that they want us to leave them alone." Dean, the blonde haired guy, began to chuckle as he leaned over Kat and began to kiss her. Troy began to do the same thing to me but I quickly elbowed him in the rib. I didn't hear a crack so it's not broken but, it's probably bruised pretty bad. It's a self defense trick my dad taught me and he always told me to use it on the bad boys. I grabbed Kats hand and ran out of there. I took one glimpse back and saw Troy bent over holding his left rib and Dean yelling and cursing at us.

Before we knew it we got to Darry's car and stopped running. "Boy was I scared" Kat said opening the car door. "Shoot, you weren't the only one" I confessed even though I handled the situation pretty well. We drove home in the pitch black passing by the lot. Nobody was there so the rumble must be over. We arrived at the Curtis' and as I stepped out of the car the cold air hit me like a tonne of bricks. I ran up to the front door and wiggled it open. Kat and I stormed into the house and found 7 boys injured and bruised. Shoot, did they look bad. Dallas was the worst. He was lying on the couch. He had a busted lip, black eye and a few cracked ribs. Darry stood beside the couch and helping stitch Dally's side. Dallas winced at every movement he made. I ran over to him and kissed his forehead. I held his head and gently ruffled his hair. I stood there observing all the other wounded boys. Darry had black eye and a huge cut on his forehead, Soda had a huge bruise on his cheek and a bloody nose, Pony had a busted lip and bruises all over his face, Two-bit only had a black eye, Steve lost a tooth and had a bloody mark above his eyebrow and Johnny reopened the gash on the side of his cheek. Kat sat beside Johnny resting her head on his shoulder as I stayed by Dally wiping his sweaty face and reassuring him that everything is okay.


Robin Samantha Sanders

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Age: 16

Height: 5'5

How I Fell In Love With The One And Only Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now