Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning from the best night ever. It was my first time that I you know did 'it'. I layed on my back with the sheets covering my bare chest as Dallas layed next to me on his stomach with his arm around my waist. I slowly removed his arm and quietly got up to change. I took a 2 minute shower and then got dressed. Today was colder than uasually so I wore my skinny jeans and and my white quarter length sleeve shirt. It was one of my favourite shirts because it had a low cut V shaped neckline that showed my size C cup boobs. I straighten my raven hair and applied a thick layer of charcoal grey eyeliner around my eyes. To finish off I added clear lip gloss and a couple bracelets.

I was absolutely starving and wanted to get something to eat, but Dally was still sleeping. I wanted to find a piece of paper to leave Dal a note to tell him that I went out for breakfast. I finally found an old receipt of mine to use. It definitely was not Dally's because he never buys anything, only steals. The note I wrote said;


I'm going to the new cafe that opened across the street. Once you are up come and join me. By the way I had fun last night.

Love Erika'

I grabbed my purse and slipped in my converse and walked out the door. As I walked downstairs the place was a complete mess. Cups, bottles, drinks and even people were laying on the floor passed out. I ignored the people and waved to Buck across the room. The cafe was literally across the street from the bar so it didn't even take me a minute to get there. The place definitely looked new. Not like the old piece of crap diner. There were nice chairs instead of booths and the place didn't smell like beer and smoke, it smelled like freshly made coffee.

I sat at one of the tables and order my self a coffee. I realized that in my purse was the 'Gone with the Wind' book Ponyboy gave me. I started to read it as my bacon and eggs came that I ordered not too long ago. They were absolutely delicious. It might of been better than Darry's cooking. After I finished I order another coffee and continued to read the book. As the book got really interesting I heard foot steps behind me. I figured it was Dally as he sat in the chair in front of me. "Hey" he said in a voice that wasn't Dally's. I look up and it's Kevin. "Hi" I replied coldly. "I want to say I'm sorry" he said in a soft voice. I didn't say anything back as he contiued " I really do care about you and I've missed you since the day I left" he said trying to plead to me that he really is sorry. "I know" I said getting up and giving him a hug.

We talked about almost everything! He told me that he got out of jail 2 years ago and he's been living with his girlfriend Chrissy. He also told me the story with Johnny. Kevin said that he was drunk and so was his friends. He didn't mean to hurt Johnny that bad and he feels horrible about it. I told him that mom kicked me out and I've been living with Dally.

When my dad left I felt like I lost part of my family and when mom kicked me out I felt like I lost all of my family. Now that Kevin's back it feels like I got part of it back. After about 45 minutes of talking Dallas came. Oh no! What's going to happen now? When he came over to our table he gave me kiss and glared at Kevin. "Hey, I want to say I'm sorry" Kevin said standing up and extending his hand for Dal to shake. Dally stared at it for a while but then shook it and nodded. "Okay, I will leave you two alone" Kevin smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek.


Kat Nicole Randle

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel


Height: 5'4

How I Fell In Love With The One And Only Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now