Chapter 8

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I stepped into the Curtis' house and the smell of freshly cooked pancakes hit me. It smelled so sweet and delicious. Dally came behind and grabbed my waist. "Hey" he said while his hot breath on my neck gave me shivers. I turned around, he was smiling but that changed very quickly when he saw my cheek. "Who did this?" he asked pointing to my face and his face full of anger. "It doesn't matter, I'm fine" I lied while covering my bruise. I winced as soon as I touched it. "No your not and tell me who did this" Dally said in a very firm and scary voice. "It was Michael" I said in a whisper while looking at my feet. "You mean that guy at the drive-in" Soda asked while sitting at the table. "Yeah" I replied while sitting next to him. "Where were you when he hit you?" Darry asked while making the last pancake. "It was at the park, I couldn't sleep so I took a walk" I replied while drenching my pancake in syrup. "You know you shouldn't be out by yourself late at night" Dally said still angry but sitting next to me. "Why don't we all calm down and play some football at the lot." Darry suggested while putting smiles on the gangs faces. "Sure" Ponyboy yelled. "You coming girly" Two-bit asked me while putting a hand on my shoulder. "Of course" I answered flashing a smile.

While walking to the vacant lot I held Dally's hand to relax him a little from what happened this morning. "I'm sorry for getting so upset this morning I just..." I cut him off and said "I know" and gave him a peck on the cheek. We smiled at eachother and kept walking. We got to the lot and it brought me back to my childhood memories. I remember running out of the house and coming here when my dad left. I was so upset I didn't want to see anyone so I slept here all night. I was only 11 years old and my mom didn't care where I was. That day when my mom didn't come after me or ask where I was, was the day I decided that I don't need my mom. I never talk to my mom or I hardly ever see her either. She either is sleeping, working or partying.

We arranged who's on who's team. Team 1 was; Dallas, Sodapop, Steve and Ponyboy. Team 2 was; Me, Darry, Two-bit and Johnny. I walk up to Johnny and wrap an arm around his shoulders. "We got this" I whisper in his ear. "Yeah" he laughs. Its good to see Johnny smiling for once. We start the game and Team 1 starts. We've been playing for about 2 1/2 hours and it's about 3pm now. The score is 20-17 Team 2. I am running down the feild ready to catch the ball from Darry. I catch it and suddenly I am pulled down. Dally tackled me and he is ontop of me now. His hands are on either side of my head and his knees are on either side of my hips. We are staring into eachothers eyes and he's leaning in for a kiss. We realize that whole gang is watching us. Dally gets up really embarrassed and I'm blushing as well. The gang shook it off and began talking about some rumble.

We played for a little bit longer then went home. It's 5pm now and Darry was making dinner. "Would you like some help?" I ask him. "Actually yes" he replies handing me an apron. Todays Sunday so we are having a big dinner. Darry is outside cooking the steaks and I am making the ceasar salad. After about 30 minutes dinner is ready. The gang and I sat down to eat and the meal was gone in matter of seconds. After dinner we sat infront of the tv and began watching a horror movie. It was called 'I saw what you did' and it was pretty scary! "I'm scared" I whisper to Dally snuggling closer to him. He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. I layed my head on his chest and he was so warm and soft. I guess I drifted off because Dally woke me up when the movie finished. "C'mon I'll take you home" he said while grabbing my hand and pulliing me to the door. "'Night guys" I said while yawning and waving. "Bye" the whole gang said at once.


Tim Brandon Shepard

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green- gray

Age: 19

Height: 5'11

How I Fell In Love With The One And Only Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now