Chapter 10

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Elizabeth's POV
"Mom! You have to tell Clary it's almost her 18th birthday!" I say my voice rising slightly

"Elizabeth not now! She isn't ready!" Mom yells and I chuckle dryly. "She would have been ready a long time ago if you would stop treating her like she is 5!" I yelled

This was rare for mom and I to fight. I hated it but Clary had the right to know who she was. Mom can't shield her forever

"Elizabeth I am her mother you don't get a say!" She says with anger evident in her eyes

"I'm her sister and I don't know how much longer I can lie to her face! I swear on the angel mom if you don't tell her yourself I will " I said and she stepped closer to me

"Elizabeth I am your mother and you do not show me disrespect. I know how to raise my daughter!" She said and I shook my head

"How do you think she is going to react when you tell her mom? That she won't be mad that you kept this from her? You better not shift the blame to me when she freaks out" I said bluntly before walking off

I hated arguments in general but fighting with your own mother. That was just the worst feeling

"Stop!" I screamed as I sat upright trying to get away. My whole body felt like it was on fire and the pain was excruciating

"Stop stop stop!" I cried my eyes burning with tears as a familiar face came into view

"Alec please" I plead and he looked at me with a pained expression before I lost conscious again

"Why won't you tell me anything about it mom? I deserve to know" I plead and she sighs

"I was apart of a group that your father had created. I didn't realize how evil he was. Once I did I left but I took the mortal cup with me. It is one of the most valuable things in the shadow world. I hid it in the deck of cards " Mom said as she grabbed the cards she had made for Dot and grabbing one with an ancient looking cup

She reached her hand inside making it glow before she pulled out the cup. "How did you? What?" I stutter confused as she placed the cup back

"I'm sorry Elizabeth I'm going to have to wipe your memories now. You can't know this. At least not now" Mom said and before I could do anything a blue spark came

I coughed as my eyes fluttered opened. I was laying down on a bed and someone was next to me lightly snoring

I sat up right looking down at my stomach to see the scratch was gone and a new iratze was drawn

Alec was seated in a chair next to me with his head on my legs. I smiled softly as I ran my hand through his hair

He kept his eyes closed but his brows furrowed before he lifted his head up opening his eyes

"El your awake!" He exclaimed smiling brightly. He pulled me into a hug as he held me tightly to his chest

"I was so worried" he whispered and I pull back slightly before winking at him

"You can't get rid of me that easily Lightwood" I said before my eyes widen. "Alec I found out something!" I said and he raised a brow

"I know where the mortal cup is" I said just as Clary walked in saying the exact same thing

Well this is interesting

I was just about to explain everything to Alec when I heard a scream of pain. My whole body tensed and I was looking through someone's eyes

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