•The Big Move•

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A/N~Hey everyone its me. So this story is gonna be different then the other's.But I hope you all enjoy.

Junipers p.o.v

Its the big moving day for me. I live in Vancouver,Washington, but I'm moving to L.A with my older brother Daniel and his band. Which will be awkward living in a house full of teenage boys,and I'm the only girl. Anyways,my dad is driving me down there so that way he can help me get unloaded and into my new room. We left early this morning so that way we could get there not too late at night. This is about to be a fun trip. Listening to my brothers band on the way there was the best part because one I gotta support my brother and I have a huge crush on one of the other boys.

Anyways, fast forward to when we get there. All 5 of the boys are standing outside of the house. I get out of the car and run over to Daniel and hug him. I haven't seen Daniel in a few month's, since his show in Vancouver.

"Hey Jj!" He says and hugs me back, not letting me go

"I've missed you so much." I say also not letting go. Then I let go to greet the rest of the boys.

"Hey Jonah,Jack,Zach.... Corbyn." I smile and blush when I say corbyn's name.

"Hey Jj. Give me a hug." Says Jonah as I give him a hug. Me and Jonah are really close. After I hug Jonah, i go and hug the other boy's.

"Your guy's new song Talk, is amazing, I had it on repeat the whole time here!" I smile

"That's great little sis, we are glad you like it!" Daniel smiles

"Of course I like it why wouldn't I?!?" I ask and laugh. " I have to support my brother and his best friends!" I smile

"True,true." He smiles. "Thank you dad for bringing her, we will take great care of her." He say's to our dad

"Of course, you all have fun, Daniel, take care of your little sister and boys, no funny business!" Dad says and Laugh's,but then gets serious.

"Of course sir, we will take great care of her like Daniel said!" The boys say

"Bye bye now, Daniel and Jj, come give me a hug!" Dad says holding out his arms.

Daniel and I run to our dad and give him a great big hug. After our hug, he get's in the car and drives off, we all wave bye to him as he turns the corner and is gone.

"Well then, let's get inside and show you around the house." Daniel say's as we all walk into the house.

"Wow, it's big In here, very modern.. I like it!" I say and look around, making my way into the kitchen.

The boys show me around the house.. They show me the basement, the kitchen, the music room, where the boys record all of their music, and where I can start my career too. They show me their theater room they have.. And then they finally show me up to my room.. Its huge in there. I have this big window on the side,that shows into the backyard.

"Wow, this is amazing." I say smiling

"We knew you would like this room, Corbyn had this room before, but he offered to give it to you and he moved all of his stuff into another room, so you could have this one." Daniel say's looking at Corbyn

"Wow, corbyn.. You didn't have to do that. Did the boy's make you do that" I say looking at him, blushing.

"No worries, it was my choice, I thought you might like it, so uh... Yea" Corbyn say's looking down

Daniel look's at us both weirdly. He obviously suspect's something is going on.

"Thank you Corbyn, that was very sweet of you.." I smile

"Of course." He smile's back. "Well, I have to go call my mom, she wanted to tell me something." He say's and walk's out of the room.

"Well then, I guess the rest of us will go too, do you need any help unpacking or getting everything set up?" Daniel ask's me.

"Uhm, no thank you Daniel, I think I got it, if I need any help I'll call for you." I smile

"Okie dokie, see you in a few or tomorrow if you decide to go to sleep, since you might be tired." He say's

"Yea just a little bit, but I might come down anyways." I say

"Okay, see you later." He say's and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

once Daniel leaves the room. I start setting up my room and getting everything organized and unpacked. Today was a very long day, but im glad that I got to come and live with my brother and his friend's. I set up my desk, and my bed and my dresser and everything else. I sit on my bed and think for a few minute's. I then lay back and smile, 'this is gonna be the best experience ever.' I think to myself and close my eye's, falling asleep and not even realizing that I did.

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