•The First Kiss•

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A/N~ I hope this chapter will be longer than the last. But I hope you all enjoy😘

Juniper's p.o.v

After finding out about my grandmothers death.. I haven't been very active or talkative with the boy's.. Even with Corbyn. I'm laying in the hotel room shutting out the boy's. The boy's were all talking about their next tour and how they want to do it. Even though all of their show's are pretty much the same. I could barely hear anything they were saying, due to the fact I was shutting them out. All I could do was cry silently so they didn't know I was crying.

"Hey guys, can I get a minute with my sister please." I could hear Daniel Faintly say.

"Yea." The boys say

I could hear the boy's get up and walk out of the room, along with Jade my best friend.

"Hey Jj." Daniel say's laying next to me, rubbing my back.

I rub my eye's and sit up

"Sorry... I'm just still not over the fact that she's gone.." I say sniffling

"Neither am I, but we gotta push through this, you and me, it'll be hard, but I know that you can do it." He smile's sitting up next to me.

"Yea, I hope I can." I reply

"You can, trust me.. And your boyfriend is worried about you, my best friend is worried about you.. You haven't talked to Corbyn in hour's and he's super upset." Daniel states.

"He is?" I asked sadly

"Yea he is, he hasn't been acting the same since you haven't talked to him all day." Daniel says

"He seemed fine a few minutes ago." I say

"Yea he 'seemed'.. You should of seen his facial expressions. He kept looking back at you all sad and everything." He said

"Oh..." I look down

"Yea, he is super worried though." He says

I sit there and don't reply to Daniel. I think for a minute and look at Daniel sadly, tears filling my eyes.

"We haven't even been dating for a week yet and I'm already making him upset." I start cry

"Don't Cry Juniper. He's only upset because your upset, he hates seeing the people he love's upset." Daniel says

"Oh... Daniel can you go get him for me?" I asked

"Yes of course sis." He smiles and goes next door to get corbyn.

Not even 5 minutes later, Corbyn walks into mine and Jade's Hotel room and closes the door and sits next to me on the bed, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry Corbyn, I was just so close to my grandmother, losing her just super got to me today." I say hugging Corbyn.

"Hey, it's okay.. I know your hurting, and it's okay to hurt." He says

"I know... But, your also upset... Because im upset, and I don't want you to be upset." I look at him

"Yes, I'm upset because your upset, I hate seeing you upset, because it breaks my heart knowing that your Hurting." He say's

I look down sadly. Me and corbyn lock hands but I'm still looking away from him.

"Hey, look at me." He say's with a serious tone.

He pulls my chin up gently to make me look at him. He slightly smiles and keeps his hand on my chin.

"I will always be here for you.. Through thick and thin.. No matter what happens in our lives, no matter what happens in our future, I would never leave you alone." He says.

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