•The 8 letters Tour•

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A/N~ Haha, so this chapter is gonna be I don't know how long but, this chapter is pretty much gonna be about the boy's releasing their 8 Letters Album(Which if you haven't heard yet,go listen to the whole album before reading this chapter. It's soooooo good!) But this chapter is gonna have a lot of Drama, and by a lot.. I mean a lot.. But i hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Juniper's P.O.V

            *I know the boy's have been working on a new album.. And I get so many messages from their fan's asking 'is there going to be a album?..' 'How long until they release their new Album?..' 'How many songs are on the Album?...' and too be honest... I ignore all of their messages because i don't want to spoil anything for the boys. And i promised them all that i wouldn't give any hints or even say anything about it. But a lot of fans suspect that they are going to be releasing a album soon because they randomly dropped a song a couple of day's ago and usually when artists do that they announce a tour or a album.. Anyway's, it's the day that the boys release their album and then a few days later announce  a worldwide tour, starting in Europe even though they literally just got back from Europe like 3 weeks ago. I go downstairs and walk up to all of them, sitting on Corbyn's lap and listen to them talk.*

         "So what time should we release the album today?" Daniel asks all of the boys.

"I feel like we should tonight sometime, like around.. I don't know... Uhm 10:30-11pm." Jonah states.

"Yea, that would be good. Cause then we could like surprise the fans at night and during the day we could be like, we have something coming out at this time blah blah blah and let them guess what it is." Zach mentions.

"Yea we could do that, but just know that Juniper has been getting a lot of message's from limelights asking her a bunch of questions about what we are up too, and she's probably gonna get even more." Corbyn says.

"Awee, thanks for looking out for me baby, that means a lot." I smile and kiss him.

"Of course my love." He smiles and kisses me back.

"Yea, I agree with Corbyn, my sister is gonna be getting a lot of messages from Fans.. And some of them aren't very nice either. Not to be mean to our fans, and I hate to do it..But we need to block our fans if they say anything hateful to her, and tell the fans that on our instagram after we release the album to let them know that we are being serious. So, if you get any hate messages, only hate messages from fans, I want you to block them and then tell us that you are getting them so we can block them. Cause I don't tolerate my little sister getting bullied or anything of that sort.." Daniel says

"Yea, I agree with Daniel, I hate to do it, but if it's keeping you safe and teaching our fans a lesson not to bully our family, or who are dating.. then it must be done." Jonah says

"Yea, Agreed." Jack and Zach also reply.

"Awe guys! You are all so sweet, but I can take care of your fans myself." I say

"No, let us do it, because then they will realize what you mean to us and then they will realize that for us to be happy, you need to be in our lives and then they will stop." Jack says.

"Awe, guys.. Your gonna make me cry, you boys are just so amazing and sweet, and just everything a person can look for in friends. And if anyone doesn't see that in you, they must not be looking correctly or they are just not crazy, because you boys are my bestfriend's, my brothers and of course one of you guys is my boyfriend." I smile and hug all of them. "But guys, I truly mean what I said." I smile again.

"You are so sweet Jj." They all say and Smile.

"No, you guys are the sweet ones."I say

*They all smile and then they continue to talk about the plans for the tour and when rehearsals should start and when they should end. From what i'm hearing this tour is gonna be super fun and amazing. They have so many good ideas set out and the order of the songs they are gonna sing. I'm extremely excited for this tour and what its gonna bring. They have all been waiting for this moment for 2 years now and the time has finally come and they are all super excited for it. I'm honestly extremely proud of my best friends and they don't realize that I am. I love them all to the moon and back and I will be proud of them no matter how popular they get or whatever happens in their private lives because I honestly don't know what goes on in theirs besides Corbyn and Daniel, and I honestly don't want to know because I don't want to make things even worse. I go upstairs and let them finish planning everything out, cause i didn't want to interfere with their planning. I then call Jade because I wanted to talk to her about a very important issue between me and corbyn.*

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