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A/N~ This chapter and the next chapter is gonna be two parts, and there's gonna be a bit of drama, so I hope you all enjoy!

Juniper's p.o.v

It's my 3rd day here in L.A and it's been pretty fun. All the boy's are already awake because they are recording a new song for their new Album.. I go downstair's and pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit down at the table. It's now break time for the boy's and they are all walking toward's me.

"How's the recording going?" I ask them

" It's going Great. We are half way done with it." Daniel smile's

" Yup, and we are gonna release it tomorrow." Corbyn say's smiling

"I'm excited to listen to it! What's it called again." I ask taking a bite of my breakfast

" Invitation." Jonah say's

" Awesome!" I smile, looking at corbyn.

Corbyn look's back at me and smile's. He then walk's away and goes and get's him something to eat. Daniel and the other boy's look at me and smile and I give them the 'don't you dare look' and they laugh.

"Oh yea Daniel, I'm going out later and meeting my internet friend, but I need a ride down there and someone to record me finally meeting her, can you do that for me?" I ask pleadingly.

Daniel think's for a second

"Yea sure, what time." He ask's me

"Uhhh." I get out my phone and check the messages.." 5:30, we were gonna go out and eat and hang out for a few." I say

"Yea that's fine, just wanted to make sure I didn't have any plan's. Which I don't, but I hope you know imma be that overprotective brother and tell you that you need to be home no later than 10:30!" He says

"Danielllll!!! Come on, whyyyyy.?" I complain

"Because, I'm supposed to be watching over you and making sure nothing happen's to you, I get worried too you know!" Daniel say's grabbing a apple.

" Yea, yea." I get up and go upstair's.

Not too long after I go upstairs, I hear yelling between Corbyn and Daniel.

Daniels p.o.v

"Look bro, there's no reason to be like that with her, she just wants to go out and have fun." Corbyn say's

"Dude, that's my choice to make, you would understand, you have a younger sister too!" I yell a little bit

"Bro calm down there's no reason for you to yell, she's only been here for 3 day's, let her experience something and then decide what to do." Corbyn say's back.

"Look... Corbyn, I know I said that you could ask my sister out." I say quietly. "But that doesn't mean you can go around telling me how to treat my sister!" I say

"I'm not telling you how to treat your sister, I'm just saying that let, her experience something before you tell her time limits and stuff." He say's to me

"Yea whatever corbyn!" I yell and roll my eyes and walk away.

Juniper's p.o.v

I started getting ready for my day with my internet best friend Jade. I've been waiting for this day for 2 year's and now I finally get to meet her. She's a big fan of the boy's, she doesn't know that Daniel is my brother and that I know the boy's personally, so I was gonna surprise her with them. I finished getting ready and as I was about to walk Downstairs, I get a knock on my door.

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