Highschool AU: What you see them doing Constantly during class

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Requested by elderberrysyrup


•Glass Joe: Constantly adjusting his glasses.

•Von Kaiser: He is kinda twitchy, like he will move slightly every once in a while.

•Disco kid: He has to move around, like he can never be comfortable. He has to change the way he is sitting every five minutes.

•King Hippo: He sometimes falls asleep during class.


•Piston Hondo: He sometimes just blanks out and stares at something random for a long time.

•Bear Hugger: He messes with his beard a lot. Also if another student is in need, he will stop and ask if they need help and do almost anything they need help with.

•Great Tiger: Sometimes He adjusts his turban, but seeing that is kinda rare. Most days, you can see him trying to help other students.

•Don Flamenco: Moving his hair out of the way, also always looks like he his going to murder someone. (He's going through that phase)


•Aran Ryan: Constantly trying to either annoy people or just moving around a lot. (GODAMNIT ARAN)

•Soda Popinski: He's always quiet during class. He's rarely ever speaks, the only time you see him speak is to Macho or another close friend.

•Bald Bull: When he's mad at someone, you can hear him huff and sometimes even growl. But everyday, he breaths kinda heavy.

•Super Macho Man: He's almost always on his phone, he's either texting someone or checking his social media.

•Mr. Sandman: Moving his dreads out of the way, or just pulling them up so he doesn't have to deal with them. (Just imagine that)

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