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*** The beginning is one of the most important parts of a book. That first sentence needs to grab the attention of the reader. You want to make sure you make a good first impression like a teenager on their first day of high school. I guess my story might not be new or anything. A demigod, a camp and a destiny far greater than them but why are you still reading then? Maybe you are because you just want to read on and see where this goes or maybe you feel that tingle I felt the moment I read the first page in Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief. That lurch in your stomach and that feeling that your life will never be the same. I felt it. Did you? ***

I tapped my nails on the cashier's countertop of the store that I worked at sighing. My red hair burned hot from the sunlight that beat on my head. It was uncomfortable but I wasn't allowed to move. I lived in a small tourist trap of a town named Everbay. It was near pretty beaches with blindingly white soft sand and a matching cerulean blue ocean. There were a few large mansions on a hill overlooking our small town like grim sentries.

My nails made clicking sounds, monotonously, and lulled me into a sleepy trance, until my boss, Judy walked in. I snapped up producing my best 'I am not falling asleep, ma'am and am happy to be working here' smile.

"Zoie. Have you taken any interest in your job yet?" She asked me wearily.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. My own fake cheery demeanor made me uncomfortable. I had always been a terrible liar. I haven't decided if that is a good thing or not.

Judy regarded me with a quiet 'Are you seriously pulling that card on me?' expression.

The bell tinkled sweetly letting me know a customer had entered. I looked over at the door relieved to have an interruption for what I knew was going to be me getting fired but the customer didn't seem to deter her, "You are fired!"

I sighed then turned to her with a now with one of my signature cheeky and goofy grin, "Thanks." I pulled the strings off my apron and placed it on the cashier counter. Then, with all the sassy dignity I could muster I marched out of Dairy Queen.


I sat on a bench looking out on the pristine shore and the peaceful ocean lapping it, seemingly hungry. Just like I was right now. It wasn't my best decision, losing my job and all but I was REALLY bored. I sighed at myself and shook my head. In my fingers, I rolled a pendant on a black cord around my neck absentmindedly. I have had it since I was born. It was my only connection to my real parents.

See, I didn't want to say anything about this but... I live in an orphanage. It's a nice one though. Not what you picture after learning from media. It has a little garden and a private library. I ran my hand through my hair once and began playing with it, as I do when I am nervous.

'What am I going to tell Abigail?' I thought. She wasn't going to be pleased that I had lost my job... again and in a new record too. Last time I managed a whole two months but this time I lasted two weeks.

I felt weight fall on the bench beside me. I looked up to see Jacob, a boy from my orphanage. He gave a slight smile and patted my head, quiet as usual. Jacob rarely spoke but who could blame him. His whole family, younger sister, and parents had perished in a house fire. Maybe it was survivor's guilt, I don't know but he had taken me in like I was his younger sister the minute we had met on my first day at the Academy, that was basically an orphanage.

Book 1 || Lotus || PercyJacksonFanficWhere stories live. Discover now