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The story of the twin swords is forgotten. No one knows it except those who chose to keep it hidden. It starts long ago... When the gods rose up against the Titans. The cyclops made great weapons for the big three. Zeus got his mighty Thunderbolt, Hades got his Helm of darkness, and finally, the Cyclops forged twin blades for Poseidon to wield alongside his iconic Trident. These blades were kept a secret for they were supposed to be only if things reached a dire situation. These swords were known as Anaklusmos and it's twin Drogo-Anaklusmos. The second blade, Drogo-Anaklusmos was lost during a battle. It soon managed to find its way to Hephestus who claimed it and began to modify it. He stamped his seal on it and then he set it among blades he had created. It was lost from there until it was stolen by a demigod of camp during the winter after the Quest for the Bolt.

I was interrupted before I could finish the story by Clarisse who peeked her head into my cabin, "Hey, loser. You in here?"

I looked up and shut the book raising an eyebrow, "Yeah. What is it?"

She hopped through the window because apparently, no one here is normal enough that they can walk through the door. She came over and sat beside me, "Why don't you stop reading that nerd stuff and come spar with me."

I sighed. I should have known that's what she wanted from me seeing as she had been trying to get me to spar her for months. "How many times Clarisse do I have to tell you no."

She slightly pouted and grit her teeth, "Fine. But I swear one day you will want to."

"What beat your ass." I grinned boldly.

She laughed and punched my shoulder playfully, "Oh you wish, Craver. You wish."

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my shoulder from her sharp jab, "Yeah." I stood up from my bed and set the book down on my pillow, "How about this. We make a compromise. You can train me how to use a sword." I suggested.

"When did you get a sword?" She asked.

"Uh... That would be since... yesterday." I rub the back of my head awkwardly.

She scrambled up and nearly sent me flying as she pats my back roughly, "FINALLY!" She grinned largely, "I think we have a deal. Let's go train you up!" She grabbed my arm and roughly tugged me towards the arena.


"Oww! Hey!" I protested as she cut the top of the hand that held my sword making me drop my blade.

"Jeez. Did you forget you could just splash water on yourself and you'd heal?" Clarisse raised an eyebrow.

I blushed awkwardly, "Maaaybe... Don't judge me!" I protested. I readied myself ignoring the sting in my hand, "But, I will do that later. Let's continue to fight."

She shifted uncomfortably, "Alright..." She said almost hesitating before beginning to pummel me. I dodged and parried trying to get a jab on her but it was nearly impossible.

"Hey! Guys! Campfire!" A voice called from the entrance of the arena.

I made the mistake of turning to face the voice. I really need to learn that so I don't keep doing the same mistake again. I felt pain in my shoulder and I yelped. My hand flew to touch the wound and I grimaced, "Clarisse!" I protested.

"Never turn away from an opponent even if its a friendly opponent." She said and then handed me a bottle of water, "Here. Heal up and then we can head down to the campfire."

I splashed the water over the wounds and watched them heal with fascination. I was still not used to that. I followed after Clarisse who had started before me and soon made it to the fire. I slipped in beside my brother and smiled, "Hey."

"Hey." Percy greeted me with a goofy grin, "How are you?"

"Tired." I chuckled, "...So, I have a feeling Tantalus is planning something."

"Yeah. It's a plan to save camp. He is sending some campers to do a quest." He replied.

I frowned a little and shifted on the seat thoughtfully. Interesting. I definitely needed to get on that mission... For Kronos. I watched quietly as Tantalus walked into the middle and he looked very bored, "May I have your attention please?" He called over the voices and everyone went silent. "Thank you. I am aware that some people know that there is a quest to save camp. I will assign a team along with a satyr to guide them to... The Golden Fleece."

Murmurs broke out among the campers. Some awed, some astonished, some excited and some nervous. The Fleece was a big deal. Even I remembered that. It could heal... It could heal anything! I needed to inform Kronos as soon as possible about their plans to retrieve the Fleece. I have a feeling he would want to know. "Yes. Yes... how nice..." Mumbled Tantalus.

Everyone silenced as he continued, "...The campers who I have chosen are..." He named a few and then said, "And finally Clarisse. To guide them..." I didn't listen and grinned a little feeling torn. I was happy for Clarisse but Percy seemed angry he hadn't gotten chosen. I gulped a little and took a deep breath. This would certainly be interesting.

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