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I stepped back unconsciously going pale. This was bad. Very very bad. "...I have to go..." I said quietly, "....." However, I just stood there mesmerized by the dark energy that was coming from the box. It was almost magnetic and comforting. I shook my head. No! No way! Not happening. I had to get a hold of myself and get out of here. My friends and my brother-

"Don't need you." A soft hissing voice came from the box and I froze. It felt like an ice cube had dropped in my stomach.

"They do need me!" I said angrily but even with how passionately I was saying that I was starting to get a tight chest like I was about to cry and in the back of my mind a small voice of my own whispered, 'But what if they don't...?'

Luke had smiled and looked straight forward. "you know, I can see it in your eyes." He began to slowly circle around as he shook his head. "You feel like they need you, right? Though can I ask if they really do?" Luke said with a voice filled with pity. "Percy left with his motley crew after Clarrise did because percy is someone who can't just let others do what they have to do. Just because he stopped one war, he got into a power trip. Sure he was treated like a hero when he came back to camp, but fame wains over time and no one talked about it anymore, but that's just the funny thing. The god's don't need us until they need something from us." Luke was a smooth talker with a silver tongue, almost as if the words had come from someone other then him. "we saw you coming on the hippocamp, you asked your dad, right?" Luke walked over next to the golden coffin and stared at it. "why do you really think your dad answered your prayers?" Luke asked his voice laced with venom. "it's because he had a use for you, you know when Thalia died I begged my father to rescue her, to send help. He never came. Did they ever teach you about the tree on half-blood hill?" he asked coming closer his eyes filled with pain. "her dad, Zeus showed up, but to little to late. He turned her into a tree to protect the camp, right? WRONG!" he spun around and took a deep breath. "he made my friend into a tree, so the god's could stop hearing their children's cries to save them. With the tree broken now, well they are in trouble, they aren't helping defend the camp, are they?" Luke asked finally giving someone else a chance to speak.

I slowly walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder gingerly, "I know the story... and... and Luke. I ... I only know of you because Kronos showed me a dream of you. But..." I retracted my arm shaking and tears spilled down my cheeks now unconsciously. I took a shaking breath and realized I was crying. I wipe my eyes and backed up from him, "Luke. I... don't know." I had to stop falling for this trap but everything he was saying hit a point that made me cry. Kronos knew how to get me back on his side. And, besides... maybe he was right? They didn't barely try to save me... so maybe they didn't care about me... 

Luke had smiled softly, suddenly hugging me. "you know, I have seen to many of my friends die because of the gods." He stopped the hug and took a deep breath. "Your friends are being used just like every other camper. Jacob, Percy, Annabeth! How long do you think it's going to take for them to get in over their heads? How do you think the gods would try to help, when they have a camp full of extra lives." Luke said dead serious. "if anything, everyone at that camp is a slave without even knowing it zoie."

I was shocked by the hug and slowly hugged back. I took a deep breath too and looked at him weakly, "....What do you mean? I...I don't get it. I can't allow myself to believe you right now. I can't. Luke, my dad answered me. I wanted him to so badly... I don't have a mom or a dad in my life and I just want my dad. I... I cant believe Kronos." But the horrible truth was. I did.

"But you do believe me..." The voice in the box hissed knowing my every thought per usual.

My shoulders sagged.

Luke had then made a move that was unsuspected "You heard the man, but if you truly have your doubts. You can leave the ship." he said with an honest smile. His eyes were empty of what seemed to be lies. He was either a skilled manipulator on par with loki, or he was telling the truth. "but, should you want to stay here I can make you a room. You'll be taken care of, treated like family."

I hugged Luke tightly burying my face in his chest shaking, "...." I couldn't leave. And... I wanted a family. Thoughts of Jacob, Ray, Percy and everyone even Frover and Clarisse melted away as I fell down under the sway of Kronos and Luke. "...I want to stay here..." I said quietly.

He nodded softly and gently ran his fingers through my hair. "alright, come on i'll show you around." Those were the words the cyclops guards outside were waiting to hear. They backed off silently as luke led me towards one of the smaller cabins.


The next morning dawned early and I was snoring gentle snores, curled up in my new bed deep asleep. Kronos left me alone tonight which was nice but that didn't mean that he wouldn't give me dreams soon now that I was back under his sway. I had tried to resist but I also was secretly using Luke and Kronos for a free ride. I couldn't just leave. Dad sent me here for a reason and I had to keep the act up of being a good little Kronos soldier to stay on here. My only issue would be not letting myself ACTUALLY become a good little Kronos soldier.

There was a gentle knock on the door. "hey zoie? are you awake?" Luke would call through the door. "come on and wake up I need you awake so I can give you a tour!" Luke explained as he tapped his foot his ADHD kicking in not wanting to wait forever with his need to move.

I groan opening my eyes. I felt sick to my stomach. Not seasick but like... I don't know. I pushed myself up and traipsed to the door shivering. I open the door and blinked half asleep, "...Bloody hell..." I mumbled. My British accent coming out very thick because of how I was half asleep. I was pale and shivering. I groan and my knees felt like jelly. Carp! No... no fainting no being sick. I was fine! I was completely fine. I grimace and gave him a small smile. "M...Morning..." My thick British accent was slurred a bit.

"You look like you ate Mr D's cooking." Luke said sounding worried. "because Mr D always mixes something to get someone drunk when he cooks." Luke shivered a bit. "I will never forget that kid who got drunk and dove off the rock climbing wall." Once he was done with his memory trip he focused. "ready to go? or do I need to take you to the infirmary?"

"...No... I'm perfectly alright." I lied and slipped out of the room. 

"I see.... off we go then." He said humming as he began his tour. "down that way is the barracks for the monsters and the engine room, don't mind the mindless people they just kinda stand there." 

Book 1 || Lotus || PercyJacksonFanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang