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I'm ashamed of my scars. I know I shouldn't be but I am. Kronos is so smooth talking and minipulative that I found myself always thinking he was right... Right about everything. I want to hide my feelings, to bury them away but they keep surging to the surface and controlling my actions. Being impulsive and emotionally driven is hard. Especially, with a evil mastermind whispering in your ear every five seconds. I know what he says isn't right. But, after hearing him saying things like, 'Your father doesn't care about you. Don't you see? He gave your brother HIS sword... He has spoken to Percy many times but never has he spoken to you. He doesn't care about you.' or he would say things like, 'The gods never care about their children. You will be used but if you agree and join with me... You will be free.'

He knows everything about me. What buttons to push to make me angry or sad or to make me hate someone. And, I don't hate people usually. There has only been two people I have hated in my life and after a while I forgave them. But, he was making me hate everyone. Making me hate the gods and making me angry. I didn't want to hate anyone. I didn't want to be angry but... I couldn't help it. He was changing me and the worst part was I was letting him. Because whether I wanted to admit it or not... He was getting to me. He was starting to make sense. And, honestly I was scared of that.

If you can't tell I am struggling internally. I didnt know what to do. I took a deep breath as I slipped from my bunk and ran a shaking hand through my head. I have to ask someone. Someone who has been here a while. I will ask Annabeth. I mean after all her mom is Athena plus shes spent most of her life here at camp. She must know what to do. I had to get out of this situation I had fallen into. I was done hiding this from everyone. I was done feeling bad and done-

'Would you stop thinking this way.' Kronos's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I took a deep breath and for once in my life ignored something.

'Stop ignoring me!' He commanded me.

I stopped myself from answering and blocked him from my mind. That was super difficult, seeing as he was a very powerful titan but somehow I managed. I made my way towards the Athena cabin.

I knocked on the door gingerly and peeked my head in. Annabeth was the only one in her cabin and she was reading. She looked up with an annoyed expression but when she saw it was me she sighed and smiled a little. "Hey, Zoie. What's up?"

"...I need to talk to you." She had never seen me this serious before. I walked in, shut the door behind me, and sat down beside her. I was shaking visably. I felt tears suddenly prick my eyes and I gripped the blankets tightly in my fists.

"...Zoie? What's wrong?" She asked me. She closed her book and set it away. She reached out and awkwardly pat my shoulder, "Hey? Tell me."

"...I..." I didn't know how to ask her. Fear and anxiety twisted my insides, "I..."

"Zoie." She said sternly, "...Calm down. Just tell me. Don't be afraid, okay?"

"I just don't know how to ask. I'm afraid you'll hate me for this. I hate myself for this..." I said quietly, looking at my hands, which were still clentched on the blankets.

She reached out and took my hands from the blanket, holding them. She took a deep breath, "I promise I won't hate you, okay? Please just tell me. I'm flattered you came to me."

"....I...It started before I came to camp. You know last summer. I've been getting demigod dreams..." I said quietly.

She frowned unsure, "What kind of demogod dreams?" She asked worried.

"With Kronos."

Her eyes widen at the name and she shook her head, "Please don't listen to him, Zoie. He is bad news. Thank you for telling me. We should tell someone. Mr. D or someone!"

I shook my head wildly, "Please! Let's keep this between us for now, okay? I was terrified to tell you in the first place."

She nodded slowly, "I understand that but..." She paused when she saw my expression and sighed, "I... Okay. I won't tell anyone."

"Swear on the river?"

"I swear on the river styx that unless it is to save someone's life, yours or others or it is imperative I tell someone I won't tell anyone about your dreams of Kronos." She said a little shakily.

I hugged her tighly and buried my face in her shoulder, "Tha...thank you so much..." I murmur and she nodded hugging me back gently.

"Of course, Zoie... You're my friend."

Book 1 || Lotus || PercyJacksonFanficWhere stories live. Discover now