Walking Home

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Before I know it, it's time to leave. "So Uraraka which way do you walk home?"

She smiles. "Oh, well after leaving school grounds, I take a right-"  

I frown. "Awh, I go straight."  At first she frowns, then lights back up again. "I know someone who can walk home walk home with you!" 

Should I even ask?  "Izuku Midoriya!"  Oh boy... 

"He told me at lunch the other day that he walks that way. You better catch up with him before he leaves!" She pushes me out into the hallway. How am I supposed to approach him?

I see him up ahead. "Midoriya!" 

Well that's a way to get his attention. He stops and waits for me to catch up. "So, I was wondering if it was okay that I walk home with you. I want to know some about the students in our class."

He looks at the ground. "S-sure"

As we walk he tells me about everyone's quirk. "Oh Midoriya.. Do you mind if I ask you what your quirk is?" He scratches his neck nervously.. Why was he so tense when it came to talking about him?  "Well...  I sorta don't  want to tell anyone. Besides you haven't explained yours either. It's just I'm scared to tell people.. That's all"

"Oh yeah... I u-understand.."

He hasn't stuttered in a while and yet here I am a nervous wreck. 

"Well, here's my house, t-thanks for walking with me ." I say waving goodbye to him. 

"Bye Y/N"

Why do I feel all tingly around him? Why do I get lost in his  beautiful green eyes?

My parents are off on a business trip, so I have the house to myself.  I won't be so bored. I have my pool, and Urarakas number!! I rush to my bedroom to call her. 

URARAKA: "Hey Y/N What's up?"

Y/N: "Nothing much, I just got home."

URARAKA: "Oh, how was it walking with Midoriya?"

Y/N: " Honestly, it was great."

URARAKA: "that's fantastic!"

Y/N: "so Uraraka-"

URARAKA: "please, call me Ochako"

Y/N: " okay.. So Ochako, do you wanna come over after school tomorrow? We can go swimming in my pool."

URARAKA: " yeah sure! Can I invite iida and Deku?"

Y/N: "Deku?"

URARAKA: "oh, its Izuku's hero name, and his nickname."

Y/N: "Oh, well sure. besides, i'd like to get the chance to meet iida."

We finish talking and I text her my address. I imagine what it'd be like to have them over. My eyes widen. I'm going to have two shirtless guys, swimming with me and Ochako!

I rush to find my bathing suit. It's old and torn, so I decide to walk to the nearest store to get a new one.

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