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Midoriya and I splash playfully for a couple minutes before we pause to take a break

. "U-uh.. Midoriya... Can I ask you a question?" He is still smiling, which is making this a lot harder than it needs to be. "Yeah sure what is it?"
I already know that I'm blushing like crazy. Shouldn't he be the one blushing?
Since when did he get so confident around me? Just yesterday he couldn't look me in the eye! "Well..."  I take a deep breath. Maybe I should just fake the confidence. Fake it till ya make it!
"You can't get mad at me for asking though... I was wondering if I could call you 'Izuku'? I mean, it's totally cool if you don't want me to."
His cheeks turn red like mine. "U-uh"
Here comes my rejection.. And his nervousness. Yes! I'm not the only one!
"Y-yeah, I'm okay w-with that"
I move closer to him. "Are you sure?"  He nervously nods his head.
I hug him out of joy as I say, "yay! Hehe, I've been wanting to call you Izuku since we first met"

Someone splashes us. "Get a room you two!" Ochako giggles at her own statement. All four of us join in on a splash off for a bit. Hours pass, and iida leaves to 'do very important things' after Ochako hugged him. Later, her phone goes off so she gets out to get it. Izuku and i get out too and dry off.
"Uh-huh -- okay -- bye" she hangs up and looks over at me and Izuku.

"I have to head home you guys. I'm sorry" we say our goodbyes, and she leaves.

"So, Y/N. Where are your parents?"
"Oh, their off on a business trip for a couple weeks."

He seems shocked.

"So you're going to be home alone for 'couple weeks'?!"  He got all wide eyed. "Uh, yeah...why?"
He rushes to grab his phone and call someone. It's getting late, so I motion for him to come inside while he talks. "Yeah hey mom! -- you remember Y/N?"
His cheeks turn red as we sit down on the couch side by side. "Her parents won't be around for awhile --I was wondering if she could stay over for a couple days-- okay thanks so much!-- love you too, bye" He hangs up, and looks over at me.

"Get your stuff...your coming home with me"

A dive into the Heart of Izuku -Izuku x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now