chapter 9:Death kisses

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Today is the day my brothe gets out of the hospital.Its gonna be hard to tell him that he can't stay but hey you have to face life.I rember how it all happened.

Flash back

"Mom I have to go to keep you and Franklin safe" I said while putting my bags by the door."That's my job to keep you and your brothers safe“She said with tears running down her face.I just stared at her at lost for words.

Franklin walked into the door his smile slowly fadeing as he saw my mom crying and my bags by the door."Are you leaving he asked"tears starting to form in his eyes.I just shook my head telling him yes."can I come with you" he asked."You have to stay here and keep mom safe,I'll be with james and I promise I will come and visit" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

He jerked back "You and james always wants to leave me and mom behind"he said before running to his room.I gave my mom a kiss and grabbed my bags and left.

End of flash back.

Arnt you gonna drive Franklin said waveing his hand in my face,You know like crank the car up and just vroom vroom clear it.I didn't relise he was in the car untill he spoke.

You need to call mom I said pulling out the parking lot.He didn't reply so I pulled out my phone and called her my self.

Mom I'm here with franklin.....Yea ......uhuhh....really!!...Ok love you bye.

Your lucky I said hanging up.


Because mom is moveing down here.


Hurry up babe I heard queeni yell from down stairs.I hurried down stairs and sat on the couch next to queeni.Queeni got comfortable and layed down.I pulled the blanket over us as I layed on top of her.

About 30 minutea into the movie queeni phone ringed.She got up to get it off the counter.

She picked it up at first she just stared at the ground than she looked up it look like someone sucked the life out of her.She dropped the phone and was finna fall untill I ran up and caught her.She started to cry harder and harder.


About 30 minutes into the movie my phone ringed.I sighed as I saw that it was far away.Jazzy got off of me and let me get up.

I answered the phone looking at the tiles on the floor.

Are you Queeni Williams a man said.I mumbled an mhmm.

Sorry to say but you grandmother has passed in a car accident.

I didn't reply I looked up and shock I dropped the phone and started to cry my legs became weak as I fell to be caught by jazzy.I cryed even harder as my nightmare came to reality.Loseing the only one I have left.

Jazzy carried me up to her room and layed me down on her bed.She took off her shirt and layed next to me.I stared in her eyes continuing to cry.Jazzy pulled me closer to her and rubbed my back gently untill we both eventually fell asleep.


I woke up screaming and crying I looked around and it was dark in the room I felt around for jazzy but she wasn't there.

I heard someone running up the stairs than jazzy busted threw the door.

I got up and ran to her I thought she had left me.

She took me to the bathroom and wiped my face.

why were you sreaming baby Jazzy asked wipeing under my eye

I had a dream that I was getting beaten to death by my father.I said crying again.Jazzy hugged me.

Did he abuse you in real life Jazzy asked.

Yess I replied I replied slowly,He also shot my mom in front of me and made me lie and say that she shot her self.Queeni pulled me tighter and closer to her.I could feel her tears drop on the crook of my neck. I won't let any thing happen to you Jazzy whispered in my ear.

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