Chapter One

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Chapter One: Number 00

 My throat burns as I desperately call for help but why can’t I hear my voice? It’s so dark and I feel so cold. The blood rushing though my veins caused me to shake rapidly as something warm was forming in my chest. 

 It hurts... I can't breathe... Help me...

 "Can you hear me?"

 Who's there?

 "...I see there was an error."

 An error? Why? What's going on! My body...It hurts! Help me, please!

 "Number 00 do not forget the purpose why you were created. You must find him…"

 Wait! I can't hear you! What is my purpose and who is him? Don't go!

"Hey! Hey! Wake Up!" Am I still in a dream? It's a different voice from the first but he sounds familiar.

"Wake up Number 00! It's time for your given mission. Oh, and today you don’t have to show up in section four to receive the red mission letter. "

 Here we go again with the same morning routine, him yelling and disturbing my dream. Lately it has been weird because this is the third time I had this dream. Wondering why this dream keeps occurring and why I exist. Questions that can never be answer because I am born without words.

"Hey! Look at me! Are you even listening?"

 I nod my head as a response to his question. This man is someone who comes to me with Shinra's demands. I guess he is what you call a messenger.

 "Make sure you show some respect to Shinra since it’s going to be the first time seeing him. He is one of the most powerful angels in heaven and he saved you from your miserable life. Do you understand me?"

 Shinra found me and took me under his care. I have never seen him but all he does is give me training and red letters of missions to do. The mission is where I deal with the dark secretive side of heaven or sent down to hell to kill wanted demons. Since my soul is already tainted I am responsible to clean up heavens dirt. It doesn't seem wrong to do this kind of stuff or is it wrong? I don't understand...

 "Hey kid! Speak up will you!" His eyes seem to be always disgust of my mere existence. He never told me his name because when we first met he said I can't say a single word and it will be a waste to teach me names when I can't call out to them.

 "Oh! Forgot you can't talk. How sad it must be not being able to express yourself. Unfortunate even if you can speak it would make no difference because of how impure you are. Nothing but the smell of demon comes from you. Can't believe I have to deal with you every morning. Hurry up and get ready! I have some important business to attend." Nothing but unexplained hatred comes from his eyes even as the door shuts behind him I feel very lost. It becomes hard for me to understand how they either fear me or hate me. It is as if I was born of hatred itself.


Chapter one is short, but the next chapter will be longer. 

Thank you for taking your time to read my work. :)

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