Chapter Nine

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I will have to apologize ahead for the grammar mistakes. I proof read only once and usually there are some mistakes out there-will maybe a few more. Anyways just enjoy and again thank you for reading. Really it means a lot knowing there are awesome people reading.


Chapter Nine: A Belonging

When we came to the hallway where Genma's room is at there was a group of men rushing out the door. Their faces told me that something terrible is happening. As they walked pass us, Lilya rushes toward Genma's door. Feeling a little startled I slowly walked to the room, hearing Lilya raise her voice.

"Genma, what's going on? Why did you send the Arc angels out?" I stood next to the door with my back laid against the wall and listen to what was happening.

"An organization who calls themselves Chaos, has stolen the heavens crystal from Alexander's territory." Leo sounded upset as I can hear him walking back and forth in the room.

"...No...They've got a hold of one of the heavens crystals! That's not good. If...If they are planning to get all of the five crystals then they are going to..."

"Re-create the whole entire dimensions by destroying every aspect of life." Leo words became tense and I can feel his anger raising.

"Genma, what are we going to do?" I didn't hear Genma respond back. He was probably thinking too much at the moment.

"Lilya, first we have to tighten our guards. They already have one of the crystals and who knows who they might attack next. We have one crystal in our hands. Deo, Enma, and Adam are Gods who also have the crystals let's just hope they don't lose it." Leo spoke for Genma as if he knew what Genma was thinking of.

"Are we going to help retrieve Alexander's crystal?"

"Yes we are but there are limits to how much we can help, Lilya. With Alexander injured and a new enemy appearing is a lot on our plate."

"Leo..." Lilya went quiet.

"Lilya don't worry so much. The crystal will be found and at the moment Alexander is in need of help. His injures from the battle was severe. For someone to be able to hurt Alexander there must be another God who is behind this whole Chaos." Genma lets out a big sigh.

"There is a traitor on the loose..." Leo said in a low tone.

I felt helpless just standing by the door as silence covers the room. They helped me a lot and treated me better than most people I met. I couldn't help but felt like I had to do something. Maybe I could find the location of the Chaos or help retrieve the crystal back.

"...Sin, why don't you come in?" Genma's voice came across from the room. I peeked on the side of the door and saw all three of them stare at me. Lilya and Genma had a faint smile. Leo looked very stress out as he just took a quick glance at me and turn his direction towards the ground. He looks like he was thinking pretty hard. I walked closer to Lilya and just stood next to her and waited.

"Sorry for today...Everything just came out nowhere but it isn't something you should be worry about Sin." Genma said looking at me. His eyes seemed very tired as if he didn't sleep for years. Lilya grabs my shoulder and pulls me against her side holding me as if I was her only comfort.

Everyone went back into silence and I took a moment to see what I can help with. I'm really good at spying and hiding so maybe I can help sneak into the chaos to find the crystal or I can just kill half the organization and retrieve the crystal. During my stay in Shinra I was only taught two things. One is to kill those in the way and two is to know the purpose of the mission.

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