Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Sin

Stop! Don’t touch me!

“Number 00…”

Stop it! Please don’t! It hurts!

“Every inch of your body belongs to me! Remember that Number 00.” His fingers were like claws that dig deep in my skin. I can see my blood everywhere! Shinra licks the blood on his fingers. I was still imprisioned by his terrifying gray eyes that sent my body shaking in fear.



“Hey kid! Wake up!”

I felt a large hand gently tapping the side of my face. I began to gain conscious and realized that everything was a dream. Even if it was all a dream, the touch of Shinra didn’t disappear. Slowly opening my eyes I saw a man sitting next to me with the most beautiful golden eyes and his short white hair that looks so bright.

“You feel alright?” His hand warms up my face and it makes me forget all about Shinra. I become attach to this warmth, wanting him to not let go.

“Are you fully awake now?” I move my head down as a respond to his question and he smiles back at me.

“What is your name kid?” I wonder how I’m supposed to answer that question. The only name I go by is just a number. The man just looks at me with a little confusion. He moves my face to the right side and I can feel his hand touch my neck where my number mark was.

“Number 00...Are you a creation? If so who is your creator?” His smile went away and looks at me intensely.

“Why are you shaking like that? Maybe you’re lying to me?”

Why am I shaking my head? This moment is when I really want to speak but I know I can’t. I wonder how dumb I look in front of him. I close my eyes in embarrassment and just kept my head shaking trying to show him I’m not lying. All of the sudden I felt his head on my chest and he burst in laughter.

He lifts his head up and moves closer to my face, “Sorry for laughing at you kid, but you sure are fun to watch.” I open my eyes and see him smiling at me. Feeling butterfly’s in my stomach I suddenly felt weird when I look at how he stares at me.

“So I’m guessing you can't speak?” I nod my head and he got up to sit straight. Folding his arm together and closing his eyes, he went quiet for a few minute. I wonder what he is thinking so hard about.

“No…” I tilt my head to the side and my eyebrows stressed together as he said that. I was worry why he would say no. I turn my eyes away from him.

“Hey kid, what’s wrong?” He put his index finger between my eyebrows and I can hear him softly chuckle.

“No need to stress kid, I’m not the bad guy here.” He moves his index finger away and grabs hold of my chin as his golden eyes captures my stare. I didn’t really know how to feel as his face was really close to mines.

“Sin” he said to me and I was confused of what he was trying to say.

“Your name will be Sin”

My name will be Sin? I felt a mixture of feelings that feel weird. What am I feeling?

“What you don’t like it?” He looks at me and I can see he is anxious to see what I am thinking. I didn’t hate the name but I wonder why he would call me Sin. I rose up my left hand to touch his face and I nodded as an approval. He laughs and puts his big hand on my head and ruffles my hair making a mess out of it.

“Good, glad you like it Sin.” His smiling face got closer to mines and I can feel him breathing on me. I got nervous and shove his face away from me.

“What’s wrong Sin, why all the sudden rejection?” He laughs softly as he grabs onto my hands locking it near him.

“Cough, cough! Excuse for the intrusion but I need to talk with you for a minute, Genma.”

“Oh, Lilya you’re here.”

He is Genma, the man who carried me. Can’t believe I forgot his voice.

“What’s wrong Sin?” Genma let my hands free and I got up to sit.

“Wait, Sin?” Lilya looks at me raising her eyebrows.

“Yes, his name is Sin.”

“But why Sin? It could have been Kuro, Noir, or even Nero! Just look at his short black hair! You could have named him after his red crimson eyes!” Genma stares at her and just simply shrug his shoulders.

“Sin is perfect for him. I had to find something that his soul can carry and that is his own sins.” Genma gently brush his fingers along my left cheek.

“I’ll take responsibility for naming him and keep a close watch so he won’t do any harm in heaven. Also I am interested to find the reason why he was created.” The woman looks at Genma with concerns.

“Okay, do what you like.” Lilya walks close to me and shows me her right hand. I look at it with confusion. What is she asking for? I turn my gaze to Genma as he grabs my right hand and puts it on Lilya’s hand. She then holds onto it and shakes it.

“Nice to meet you Sin, I am Lilya an Angel who serves Genma.”

I look at her and notice that she has pale blue eyes and pink long waving hair. Looking at her hand it was very soft compare to Genma’s. So this is how a woman feels like.

“Okay, enough with the touching.” Genma shook Lilya’s hand off and took mines close to his chest.

“I am Genma, one of the three Gods who protect heaven and help balance out the three dimensions between heaven, hell, and earth. For now on you will be serving me and going to be under my care. I hope you don’t have any issues with that, will you?”

I shook my head to him. I will be under his care for now on. Looking at Genma I didn’t sense any Evil in him so I wasn’t worried. The only thing I was thinking about is how he is going to use me. Am I going to be a tool or something else? I just hope my trust instinct isn’t wrong about him.


Until next chapter! I think I fell in love with Genma’s gentleness!! Unfortunate I was trying to make Genma more of a dark and mysterious character but (Laughs) he ended up being a gentle bright man! On a positive note I fell in love with his softness towards Sin. :) Thank you for reading my work!

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