Chapter Ten

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Thank you for reading my work even through there is plenty of grammars to fix. I'm currently searching for a trustworthy proof reader so yep that's good news. I appreciate it very much to see people reading it. Hope you enjoy! Oh and let's look forward to next year, 2015!!!! Woot Wooot!!


Chapter Ten: What I Am

As heaven becomes dark and the only light that shines upon us was the big full moon. The moon is always full in heaven as if it is a place where it likes to wake up to see. The scenery from the window really puts my mind to rest as my eyes closes shut.

*Knock, Knock*

I woke up to find Leo behind the window standing on the edge. I stared at him in confusion because why would he be standing there? Leo was saying something but I could only make out the words from his lips which said open.

"Sorry for disturbing you this late but I got a request for you to do."

Leo just gave me a look that I didn't really like and I simply just turned my head down to my feet. Really if he wants to cooperate with me, he needs to do it better.

"Alright I don't have much time since this wasn't supposed to be part of the plan so don't misunderstand me boy."

I startled when, Leo suddenly grabs my shoulders and bends down to my height.

"I am going to go straight to the point so I need you to help me retrieve the Crystal." Leo desperately asked. I just stared at him because it was a request that Genma rejected from me.

"You have to Sin. I know how capable you are and what you can do. You can bring it back, the crystal! If the crystal falls into the wrong hands then it will be the end of the other Gods. Do you understand me?"

I push Leo's hands off and shook my head at him. He didn't like the idea of me doing that and slowly walks closer to me. Walking away from him each time he got closer made my blood rush. I was stopped when I felt my thigh hit the bed and everything went dark for a moment as my whole body was pinned down. When my vision came back I saw his brown eyes staring at me.

"Listen to me and don't make me angry Sin, understand?" He held both my wrist tight making it painful to struggle. I knew that if I hurt him Genma would be furious so it made me vulnerable.

I nodded.

"Good! Now here is the deal! You retrieve the crystal back then you will save Alexander and make Genma proud! Its killing two birds with one stone and if you don't cooperate with me then Alexander will killed in a few days and Genma will be the new target or another god will be. So what is your choice?"

Genma is in danger...B-but he said I couldn't go and that I had to hide myself for a while. If I don't go...If I don't do this then what will happen?

"Sin...I need an answer now. Yes or No..."

I didn't know how to what to do anymore but if I didn't do this I felt like I was going to regret it. I nod my head in agreement.

"Good that you chose to go. Genma and Lilya will be happy with your decision."

Leo got up and stands in front of me.

"Come Sin; let's get you ready for combat."

Huh...Ready? We are leaving now? He took my hand and pulls me along to the widow.

"We are departing tonight Sin."

Why? Tonight is too soon. I haven't even prepared myself yet. It has been a while since I last went into combat mode.

"Don't panic Sin, I already have a plan for us. So let's not waste time we have to finish this before Genma and Lilya finds out that you are missing."

Leo led me to a room where it was hidden below the mansion. He handed me a few small weapons and light black clothes so I can run in it and hid. I felt nervous as I held the small dagger in my hand and remembered all the blood I had shed.

"Are you ready Sin?"

I took a moment to nod.

"Alright that's good. I already tracked the Chaos location and they're not far from here. I guess their next target is Genma...Those bastards."

Leo grabs a blue robot bird and pressed a button on the back causing the eyes to light up showing a hologram of the chaos place. It was just some abandon building not so far from here. They really are coming for Genma.

"Here is the plan; you see this big building here?"

I nodded.

"Somewhere in here the crystal is hidden. This entire place was once a training ground for Angels so I know this place really good. There is a hidden passage which you can find behind in room 020A on the first floor. Once you get inside there should be a huge book shelf. Find the brown book that has the title, "Lost Wonders" and push onto the book and the shelf will open for you. Once it is open go inside and it will automatically close. Keep following the path until you hit three paths. Listen carefully to these directions! Go to the right path and from there take exactly twenty-five steps since you're small take big ones and it will take you to a spot where there is a small hole on the wall right on your left side. Take the back of your dagger that I gave you and insert it inside. It is the key to open another passage leading it to the main room that is filled with pure power source. In there is where the Heaven's crystal can be contained safely. Want me to repeat anything Sin?"

That is a lot to remember but I got a good memory so it wasn't something new. Shinra's also gave out similar missions. I shook my head since I knew what was expected.

"Another thing to add is to lower your powers since the level of power you have is really noticeable so it's best to just stay low like a bug. Got that?"

I nodded.

"Okay and remember you have a time limit! Make sure no later than two days."

I nodded.

"Let's go I'll take you half way there and the rest is for you to travel."

Leo pats my head and I looked up to see his brown eyes soften at me.

"You're doing good Sin and Genma will be happy to see you do this for him and for heaven as will."

Leo ruffles my hair with his big hand and walks to open the door to the outside.

"Oh and last thing don't die on the mission boy...We wouldn't want that so be careful, got that?"

I nodded again...

Genma I guess I am nothing but a tool. I couldn't refuse anything and how easily I accepted to be used as a tool once again. Now it is my fault that I have to face another dangerous fate.

Forgive me God for I have sin and dirty this holy ground of yours.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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