Chapter Seven

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Just a warning this chapter is a prequel of Shinra lol. I don't know what I was thinking, but hey I needed a little gay pump! Lol So I wrote it. Enjoy!


Chapter Seven: Love Prisoner

“Shinra, there is news about how one of the Three God’s found Number 00.”

“…That little brat got himself a God!” Shinra shouts angrily.

“What is the next plan? Are you going to retrieve him?”

“No, if we retrieve him it’ll cause suspicion. Let’s just watch him from distances. First we have to find which of the three God he is with.”

“Yes, I will send the five warriors from the middle division to search for him.”

“No Cleo, send the upper divisions to find him. This time I won’t let him get away.” Shinra walks out of the door leaving.

Cleo watches Shinra shut the door behind him and faces her direction to a man wearing a white mask, “Joshua, go tell the captain of the upper division that Shinra wants five of his best warriors.”

“Yes Cleo, but…”

“What, what’s wrong Joshua?”

“Will, I was wondering why Shinra is so worked up over a boy who doesn’t have anything special about him. I mean I heard rumors that he has a lover that is kept locked somewhere deep in this mansion. Does Shinra have a collection of rare species on heaven?”

“Joshua! Why are you saying that?”

“Sorry! I heard it from the night when I was guarding the harem chamber. The ladies were talking about Shinra and I was just there. I didn’t mean to get involve.”

“It’s okay Joshua since you are one of Shinra’s loyal angels I will trust you, but I must warn you to not get involve with this case.”

“So it is true…”

“Joshua that is enough, please continue with the order that is given to you!”

“Okay, calm down Cleo!”



“Don’t say anything to Shinra about this. He doesn’t like this topic very much.”

“Really, I’ll take that into note.”



The room feels so empty and lonely. There are nights when it becomes so cold that I can hardly sleep. Sometime others say that quiet places are the best but I really enjoy the places that are full of life. Everyone laughing, the smiling faces that surrounds me, and the smell of fresh air. Now all I see is blue walls, ceilings, the floor, and there isn’t even a window to see light from outside. So empty and cold…”

“Nao, are you asleep?”

I felt a warm body push down against mine and knew who that man was.

“Will now I can’t sleep.”


“Really, so what brings you here tonight?”

“Came to see you, since it’s been a very long day today and things aren’t going good lately.”

“It’s been a long day for me too…” His arm was wrapped around me and I can feel his beating heart against my back. It felt so long since he last held me. I really enjoy the nights when he comes to join me in bed, it really comforts me. All the loneliness that surrounds me vanishes into thin air.

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