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Meanwhile, across the city of New York, Luke had been at his house. He hadn't left his small loft in weeks. Nothing had truly changed in his life except for the absence of Ashton. He still dragged his feet along the wooden floor, stumbling every now and again. His eyes still drooped out of sadness and lack of sleep. He felt no different than when he went outside everyday.

However, Luke's nightmares, whenever he found himself able to asleep, had gotten worse. They were no longer the same shadows and unknown voices. They had become filled with the familiar bubbly voice who used to speak to him everyday. Only the voice wasn't happy anymore. It was monotone, with no empathy, no emotion.

The dreams took place on the green bench. "Ashton, help me", Luke would cry out. He would grab onto the curly headed boys shoulders and shake him relentlessly. "My name is Luke. Luke Robert Hemmings. I'm 22 years old."
Ashton would stare blankly ahead, every so often an exasperated sigh would escape his lips. "I love you. I love you," Luke's voice broke, "so much Ashton. I'm sorry". Every single time he spoke those words, Ashton would turn his head to face Luke. Their eyes would meet, Ashton's lips would purse, his eyebrows would furrow, his jaw would clench, and he would say, "I don't care. I don't care about you. And I sure as hell don't love you. You're useless to me, to everyone. Go away".

Luke would wake up in a sweat with tears streaming down his face.

Luke missed Ashton, and he hoped that the boy hadn't forgotten about him. He hoped.

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